A Hero Who Desires his own

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Warnings: it's not kink shaming, it's just Peter's inner monologue about the topic and how he doesn't understand it.

"God damnit," Wade hissed as he got closer to his apartment. He could hear the sounds of a scuffle down the block and there was a familiar voice yelling quips out at the top of his lungs.

Peter had said he was going to stay home to work on a photography portfolio he was working on when Wade had asked if he was planning on patrolling today. The arachnid had made it quite obvious that he had no intentions or desire to patrol the city that day and if Wade listened carefully he could easily make out that strained, stressful note in Spidey's voice that always was the merc's warning to a building up of emotion that would sooner or later start a panic attack if he didn't get his ass moving to take care of it. And the last thing Peter ever wanted was to look weak in front of his enemies. He just couldn't do it, he felt that he might as well shove himself down to the ground and present his ass in the air himself. It just wasn't an option he was going to give himself, he couldn't be weak, he couldn't give into his mind or these people. Not ever.

Of course Wade didn't know the deep meaning behind Peters simple incapability of appearing weak in front of others. Peter could never confess that to his friend, to anyone about it. He wanted to keep Wade close, not to push him away by the inevitable pity he knew he would receive if he wasn't sexually eyed up with interest if the other was into that sort of thing.

Peter shivered at the thought. He couldn't understand how someone could like to pretend to do that with their partner, to pretend to force them down and take what was dearly personal and important to someone, because once it was taken it couldn't be given back. Granted he was quite biased on the topic, sure he'd had more sexual partners than he'd ever like to try and imagine, but they were all from when he was under the age of fifteen. He'd never had a real relationship with someone and gotten to trust them enough to expose himself like that. He not only didn't have consensual partner experience, but he also had a past that traumatized him over the idea of sex. He'd never be able to pretend to go through that ever again. For Pete's sake, occasionally, but more often than he'd admit, he accidentally triggered himself when taking care of morning wood which was just fucking embarrassing. The idea that he'd ever be able to have a sex life at all much less being capable of going through with acting out something like rape was out of the question.

A fist met Peter's nose while he was distracted with his own, irrational worry. He wasn't paying attention to what was in front of himself anymore. He was slowly but surely settling back into the hole he'd dug for himself here. He'd probably die in it at this rate, the way the enemy obviously wasn't going to let his opportunity to crush Spidey's face in to get away from him. And Peter was sadly aware that crying out from pain only urged the villain on.

His Spider sense pulled at his mind as the fourth hit came, but Peter forced himself to role away before turning up to kneel and use his powerful legs to leap away, hopefully to the refuge of a nearby wall. Peter had. I such luck as the back of his suit was grabbed by sharp claws that flung him back down to the ground before the villain who smiled viciously down at him.

"Where do you think you're going?" The man growled, his large dark wings unfurling and coming up to block the light emerging from around him. An intimidating display that made Peter unwillingly squirm, trying to look away but was forced by a strong hand on his jaw to look up.

The flightless hero was frozen, trying to curl in protectively around himself as he submitted to the display. The man's dark brown wings bringing back flashes of wings wrapping around him as he was thrusted up into. His body small enough for large men to hold in place off the ground, the wings blocking out the world around Peter so them and only them were the focus of his mind.

Peter gasps when he feels his mask pulled from his face, his broken mind far too lost in what it once couldn't understand to realize that there was nothing keeping him from escaping. There was nothing but instincts and past traumatic memories to battle against in order to get away. And still all he could do was fight to keep his mask on, a last second reaction of clinging the skin of his face to the neck of the mask that now just barely hovered over his eyes. Blind, he was terrified, screaming and trying to role to the side, his hands tugging to what the villain was trying to pull at.  If he weren't panicking he might be worried about the Fabric ripping or stretching.

Wade had never truly understood how Peter had ever managed to handle being Spider-Man. He'd never seemed to get through a single fight without having some sort of melt down. At least for as long as Wade had noticed. Of course, if that was truly the case then Peter wouldn't be alive. There was much that the merc never saw when Peter was out Patrolling every night.

Just Peter had yet to improve in his ability to keep himself together when intimidated. It bothered Wade. It worried him.

The man kept these thoughts to himself as he listened to Peter continue, speeding softly as he rested his head on Wade's chest as they lay within their nest. Scarred hands carefully running through soft, brunette hair as the smaller, wingless young man continued to speak softly.

A moment of another joining in his cries and everything stopped. The pull, the darkness, the buzzing of Peters Spider sense, it all disappeared to be replaced by the warm, familiar scent of Deadpool as the merc pulled Peters mask back down over his face.

"Shh, Baby Boy. You're okay."

How is the story? Is it good? Are there any questions about the characters, society, their wings? If so, ask!!! I'd love to talk about it.

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