You Save Me

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Wade's wings glistened with greens and blues as he waited, his heart thrumming loudly in his ears as he stood still, his wings raised, poised to present.

His hope and confidence started to be stripped away as seconds passed and Peter silently stared at him with wide, horrified eyes.

'He's not responding. Why isn't he responding'

Wade swallowed thickly as he kept his wings raised, but he could feel his eyes starting to burn as seconds turned into minutes of him standing there waiting.

[He's scared. He's scared of us.] Yellow whispered, the boxes just as shocked as Wade as they waited in anticipation for a response that wasn't coming.

(But we were so sure)

"P-Peter?" Wade said, his voice confused and small as his wings were slowly pulled towards the ground by gravity.

Peter stared back at Wade, confused and scared. He wanted to respond. He wanted to flare open his wings and it was killing him to watch Wade falter as Peter stood stock still in front of him. He'd never seen Wade falter. At anything, for anyone, but here he was, about to break down because of Peter.

Peter couldn't fly. He couldn't dance. He wouldn't be able to finish their courting dance that was critical to a successful mating. He didn't know if he couldn't handle the finalization of the mating if he could sleep with Wade and not be pulled back into the past. He didn't know. He didn't trust himself. He was hurting Wade because he wouldn't trust himself.

You're so selfish, Peter Parker. Look at what you're doing.

Peter's skin prickled with goosebumps as the voice whispered in his ear. He wanted to curl in on himself. He was hurting Wade. Spider-Man was right. Peter was selfish. He was useless, stupid, worthless- he was... he was...

Peter closed his eyes, turning his head towards the ground as feathers started to move and slide over one another. He gasped in a panicked breath as he slowly unfolded his right wing, flight feathers spreading out to reach across the room with grace.

He stayed there like that for what felt like forever to then both of them, with a single wing spread out at full attention and acceptance. Wade didn't dare breathe as he waited for his boy to open his eyes, to do something. . . And then slowly, very slowly there was movement at Peters left as his second wing started to unfold.

Wade's dropping, unconfident wings lifted once he saw Peter moving his other wing, watching happily as the additional limb stretched out.

Confusion filled his eyes for a second as his mind tried to understand what exactly was wrong with the display across from him. Peter's beautiful feathers were a soft, creamy grey like nothing he'd ever seen. They were so pale he would have mistaken them for perfect dove wings if he weren't a trained mercenary, killed in finding any insignificant detail. But there was something so large missing in the picture across from him it took him a few seconds to process it.

Peter's left wing ended where his flight feathers started, leaving his wing appearing to only be half the length it should be. Wade stayed quiet, a thousand questions being forced to the back of his mind as he met Peter's closed eyes.

His body was confused by the sight, but his heart didn't care. His Baby Boy was responding. His Spidey was accepting his offer and if he didn't start their dance and present his final courting gift their bond could not take.

"Petey." He said softly, flexing his flight feathers, causing them to slide across one another to make a delicate sound to grasp his courting partners attention. It was a
Sound used to let another know they were still interested and waiting.

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