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If you're a Dragon, Lord of the Rings, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Norse Mythology, or a fan of Sarcastic and Sassy characters, you might like The Enderings: REMEMBRANCE posted by Maximum__HN (Helios)

If you're a Dragon, Lord of the Rings, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Norse Mythology, or a fan of Sarcastic and Sassy characters, you might like The Enderings: REMEMBRANCE posted by Maximum__HN (Helios)

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"I never believed that you would exist. That the parts needed to create a catalyst would ever survive," Loki laughed coldly as he looked down on the strange human contraption holding his descendant within. He'd only recently escaped his prison. The world that surrounded him was unlike anything he'd have ever fathomed, but that didn't matter. No, not when he could feel the power of this thing.

He had never been the greatest being that walked the Earth but he never expected to be punished for that. What had he ever done to deserve what he'd lived through? All he'd ever tried to accomplish was have a decent life after everything he'd survived only for his mate to betray him unforgivably, and his hatchlings to grow corrupted.

"But fate always has its ways doesn't it? Even if all the odds are against it."

Loki walked around the capsule, studying the still face of the young woman below. Calling her a woman was wrong for a number of reasons. The only thing human about her was her ability to sin. She was a creature of power, his descendant, supposedly his grandchild. She was a shapeshifter like himself, a predator, an animal. She was a servant of man just as all the creatures of the Earth are, but they were supposed to be greater, they were supposed to be beside man. Man repaid them for their gifts with death.

Humans were disgusting creatures. They were selfish and crude. They had only their own interests in mind. They crafted and spread lies for their own gain at the expense of others' lives. Creature of fellow man, it didn't matter. Humans would kill anything. They found ways to kill the unkillable, to destroy the immortal.

"I will help you. I will help you destroy them all if you promise me one thing," he looked down on the face of the Endering. He wished he knew who she was, what her name is. He wished he could be sure he knew who her parents were, though he had a very good idea as to who it was. Only one of his hatchlings had eggs before everything fell apart. He didn't think that any had survived. "When it's your time to wake, promise that you will destroy mankind,"

Loki leaned against the glass, pressing his hands against the smooth surface. He could see a faint reflection of himself as he stared down at his decedent. "And destroy what remains of the monsters I brought into this world. That is, if they don't destroy each other first,"

Chapter 1


Present 25th Century

'I'm not supposed to be here,'

"Vitals are all normal with the acceptation of increased brain activity which we've been seeing more of recently." A man in a white lab coat said as he checked the screens on the glass of the sleek stasis bed. The person laying under the dome appeared asleep, using the chamber as it was intended for coma patients.

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