The wounds I'll Make to protect you

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"What do you think you're doing!" Tony Stark roared was Wade stood stiffly before him. "You can't be around him! You aren't good for him and you're going to get him hurt if not killed. You scare him Deadpool, I won't allow you to remain around him any longer."

The Mercenary bristled in defense as Stark reached towards him to grab him. He pulled himself out of reach quickly with an animalistic snarl in response to the threat.

"You have no fucking idea what you're talking about Stark. You don't know him. I bet you've never even had a real conversation with him that wasn't just you prying into his life as much as you could." Wade snapped. His body remained tense as he waited for the billionaire next move, praying that his god damned suit wouldn't come down to do the work for Tony.

"No, but I know that he can't be around people like you. I know he can't be around anyone really. There's something wrong with him and he needs help. He doesn't need you to be praying on him when he's vulnerable just because you want to force someone to pretend to be your friend!"

Wings uncontrollably burst out from where they'd been kept hidden for over fifteen years from the public eye. Wade unable to contain the pure rage Tony's words brought to him as he spoke of his courting partner, his Baby Boy in such a way. "THERE'S Nothing wrong with him!" He snarled as he flared his wings threateningly, his wings raising up behind him angrily as they worked to make him look much bigger. "He doesn't need help, he most certainly doesn't need your help Tony. He's as perfect as any human gets and I'm sorry that he's gone through some shit in his life that causes him to not always act up to your standard. Not all of us where handed everything we wanted, cared for, sheltered, and loved! Some of us out there really are outcasts, and some of them are the purest souls you'll ever have the honor of knowing." Wade wasn't really sure when he'd gotten so close. He had his finger in the billionaire face and his body cornering the other man against the wall of the roof entrance of the Stark tower.

Fuck Tony and what ever he thought he was doing. He called Wade here because he said he had something important to talk to him about. He'd lured Wade here just to criticize and lecture him about something that Tony had no business getting involved with. Tony had no god damned reason to bug into his and Peter's life other than he thought he had the right to do so.

Fuck, he thought he had the right to go and stop around in everyone's life just because Tony believed he had the right to know whatever he wanted. Wade, Peter's own partner didn't even have any sure clue of what exactly happened to Peter. He just had an idea and that's all it was. A theoretical idea with no proof to back it up because it wasn't his knowledge to own.

"If you ever, ever try to do anything to Spidey again, God help you Tony. If you ever try to take him away again and let what happened last time you took him on an over glorified mission I'll see that you never see the light of day. You let him get hurt last time you went near him. I'm not allowing it to happen again because we both know that I'm not the real problem here. You just want me to be." The Dark winged man growled, the bright white feathers along the shoulder of his wings reflecting brightly around him, giving him a sort of aura as he spoke down to the billionaire as he squinted up at him.

"You really are a freak aren't you," Tony spat, refraining from backing down to the mercenary even though he knew he should. He wasn't stupid he knew what sort of trouble he was getting himself in. The fact that Deadpool revealed he had wings was one thing, but what secrets the man's wings gave away was another complete revelation. The emotions and characteristic movements weren't mistakable.

"I'm the freak you're going to have to look over your shoulder for if you ever try to do anything. He isn't your charity project and never will be. He's a person who has their own shitty things do deal with and he doesn't need you crawling up his case."

"Why? Because you've already got it covered?" Tony challenged in response.

"He's mine. That's why. And if you think you're so brilliant that you'll know damn well that you won't go near him. And while your at it, you should pull your head out of your ass before you can think of something stupid like you need to save Spidey from me. Because guess what? I'm not holding him hostage. He comes and goes as he pleases, I control nothing. I have as much influence and blackmail worth information on him as you do which he both know is absolutely nothing." Wade snarled before turning away angrily, folding his wings neatly against his back as he started to walk away from the other man. His black feathers glinting vibrant greens and blues as he walked through the light.

Fuck Tony. Fuck him, his computer, and his suit. Wade wasn't going to put up with him. He would protect his Baby Boy at any costs. He might have just momentarily screwed himself over by showing Stark his wings, but if Iron Can had a little dirt on him that he couldn't prove it would at least distract him from Peter. Peter needed to give his hero life a little less focus as it was, he didn't need Tony on his case.

The mercenary growled in annoyance once more as he made his way to the edge of the roof. How could he stand to look up to these people? He didn't understand himself. Now he better understood why Peter was so apprehensive about speaking kindly of the team.

He dove off of the building without a second glance back at the tower, carefully but quickly gliding down to the building across the street before finding a fire escape to climb down.

He had a nest to fill.

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