Tea is where the home is... or is it home where the tea is?

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It was semi dark in the room when Peter finally woke up. The thick black out curtains on curtain rods blotting out the most of the sun except for the few dim hints of light that snuck through the seams where they didn't overlap with the other fabric. He made a soft sound as he looked around, noticing that he wasn't at home. Peter panicked as he sat up quickly, regretting it as the wold turned dark and he fell back down in the cushions underneath him. After a few seconds of laying still Peter's sight cleared and he slowly turned his head to look around. His quick breaths slowed as he began to recognize his surroundings. He was in Wade's home. His soft nesting blanket wrapped carefully around him. He pulled the soft fabric up to his nose, bunching the comforting, soft fabric to be the perfect size to hold onto. The fabric of his shirt was delicate on his skin, the fabric worn from use and washing. It smelled strongly of his friend which made him relax in comfort before he realized that it wasn't his shirt. His eyes snapped open as he moved the blankets to look down at himself. He was wearing the oversized Hirt and nothing else other than a good amount of gauze and bandage around his thighs.

A multitude of mixed emotions sent him into a conflicted state as he looked down at himself. He had been violated in his sleep but he had a feeling The the only reason was so that the mercenary could fix what Peter had done to himself. Peter started to whine at the thought that the man could have done something while he wasn't conscious. He knew better than to believe it but he couldn't stop the ideas coming running and the memories they brought with them.

It wasn't long before Wade was coming out of his room to see what was going on. He cautiously walked over when he saw Peter rocking back and forth on the couch, hugging his knees and hiding his face in them as a painful, heart breaking whine broke the silence, interrupted by the occasional sob and sniff.

"Petey," Wade said softly as he came closer. "Hey, hey what's wrong?"

Peter looked up at him with a tear streaked face. He wrapped the blanket around him more firmly, his bandages on his arms rustling against the fabric as he did so.

"You didn't touch me did you?" He asked, looking up at Wade with large terrified eyes. Wade knew in some way he would regret not putting something on Peter but he didn't want to move him too much while the bandages where still fresh and the blood hadn't clotted. He just wasn't really expecting this reaction quite as much as he was expecting yelling.

"Of course not Baby Boy. You know I never would." Wade said, moving to sit next to the spider. He took it as a good sign when the smaller didn't scoot away.

The way Spidey had always reacted to comments on his wonderful looks and such related jokes had always bothered Wade enough that he'd stopped. He'd come to throw around the idea that maybe Spidey had once been abused and just wasn't okay with the humor. Wade had stopped after he'd noticed and now seeing Peter's reaction to waking up after not being aware of the changes to his body he was easily confirming Wade's theory. "Spidey. I want you to know that I'll never do anything like that to anyone. Ever. I have had to live thorough some shitty situations where I wasn't in aware or willing with someone and I will never, never do that to you. Do you understand?" Wade asked softly. His arms at at some point wrapped around the spider's shoulders when he'd relaxed enough white Wade next to him.

Peter nodded timidly before looking down at the ground. It was slow and almost unnoticeable, but the arachnid had slowly started to lean against his shoulder as his breath slowed and his panic ebbed away over time.

"Are you hungry?" Wade asked after a while of them sitting there quietly. He felt like he'd shared to much by mentioning his past but it had seemed to oddly help. Maybe it was because they possibly shared something or Peter felt that the man wouldn't repeat what was done to him.

"Yeah." The spider spoke softly.

"Will you let me check your cuts real quick before I go make us something? I'm sorry I couldn't ask before I did what I had to do, but you weren't responding Petey." Wade explained softly.

"Okay." Peter answered after a long few seconds. He was visibly shivering. Sadly not because he was cold.

"I won't hurt you Peter. I won't touch anywhere where I'm not obligated to touch to complete the task at hand. Just bash me over the head if I do something you don't like. Alright?"

Wade was unsettled by the unchanging, horrified state his Baby Boy continued to gaze at him with. Peter's dark eyes looking somewhere past him as his labored breaths continued to break the silence between them.

"Okay." He finally answered.

Wade's wings shuffled uncomfortably from where they were hidden as he moved closer. Peter's grip on his blanket tightened ever so slightly as Wade knelt closer to him, starting with his legs to get the worst of it over with for Peter. He wanted to do it quickly but he knew if he did he'd frighten Peter but if he did it to slowly then he'd come off as being a creep.... and that's the last thing he wanted Peter to think of him. If their courtship was still existent then he'd break it officially if he did that.

Peter watched him closely as he started to undo the hasty bandaging he'd done the night before. He didn't dare look over at him as he focused on just the flesh before him. The wounds where no longer alarming, deep gashes, but thin cuts that where similar to something you'd expect from a cat's angry, wrathful paw. He pulled back to look over at Peter with a bowed head, his eyes glancing up at Peter once to indicate he was submissively but firmly addressing the arachnid. "May I go retrieve my medical kit?"

Peter watched the merc for a long while, taking note of the respectful stance and distance, seeing how absolutely still the man was awaiting his response. Peter dipped his head in a curt nod, halfheartedly cursing his wing when the end rustled in the attempt then give a reassuring flare, the other remaining silent do to its lack of an end and loss of flight feathers.

Wade noticed the odd sound of the one wings movement but couldn't give a damn because he'd received a courting response. Only this time it was different, rather than Peter accepting in a similar way the first time with the sound of all of his feathers rustling, Wade had been given something that if he could have seen it, would have been Peter's flight feathers expanding in a tease of a full display that would be a result of Accepting to complete a court dance. Which meant that Peter still saw them as a courting pair.

Wade beamed with the response, coming to look up at Peter happily before moving away respectfully to go to retrieve the kit from the bathroom. On his way he was unable to stop his smiling, joy and air becoming pressurized in his chest to the point where he simply couldn't contain his excitement.

Peter turned with a curious tilt of his head at sound a high pitched squeal coming from where Wade had disappeared.
He smiled at the excited, poorly hushed sounds coming from the bathroom, knowing that surely that was a sign he himself had been more than certainly accepted long ago despite his selfish disappearance and distant actions.

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