The Pools of your Eyes

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Wade was hovering over Peter quietly as the smaller slept. The soft sounds of Peter's breathing the only sound in the room. The quiet sounds of the city beyond the window and brick walls easily ignored and forgotten as Wade looked over his mate. Peter's soft, pale skin appeared to glow in the light that snuck in through the glass plane and thin, opaque curtains. His eyes slowly traced up the arachnids gentle, velvety skin. His eyes traced over the soft curves of Peter's thighs, the V at his hips, over light muscle, and traced up Peter's arm where it lay near his head. He'd never been able to get used to Peters own scars, as selfish as that may sound. He couldn't look at the thin stripes across peters arms easily when he knew the Spider knew he was watching.

But it wasn't like that. No, Wade didn't find physical disgust with their appearance or Peter's past, unhealthy habits.

Wade loved each and ever one of the thin lines that had been carefully and persistently carved into Peter's flesh until finally the arachnid had out done his healing factor and earned the silver slivers of skin.... he just couldn't help hating himself over them. He felt responsible. He felt at fault. He knew it wasn't entirely true but he was sure that he was the one responsible for them. The ones along Peters wrists where because Wade hadn't been there. They were from when the merc knew if the spider but had never personally gotten physically close and comfortable. The scars on the insides of peters thighs where a result of Wade not trying, for not doing what was right. Those were from when he really hadn't been there for Peter when I could have been. He knew he could have fought harder, demanded more firmly and marched back to Stark with a serious threat to make the man allow him to see Peter. If he'd been there for Peter after what happened then those scars wouldn't exist. Baby boy would have never been allowed to hurt himself and Wade could have continued living and caring for his courting partner.

He dipped down carefully and placed a kiss on Peter's wrist where it lay.

Peter stirred quietly, drowsily opening his eyes to look at Wade before rolling to his side to cuddle against the larger man. Wade smiled at his Baby Boy, wrapping an arm around Peter protectively. He liked the way Peter always checked his surroundings while he slept. His Spider sense always on the alert and looking for danger. Peter didn't know it, but he woke up around four times every night to look for danger before laying back down without ever actually waking up. It had freaked the shit out of Wade the first few weeks of sleeping in the same nest as his Baby Boy. The only reason Wade had actually figured out it was a defense mechanism is because Peter had ultimately saved them both from a stray pigeon that hit the window. The Spider had rolled them both off the bed and to the floor just before a loud thunk hit the window. Wade later went to see that they had a dead bird on the fire escape. Peter had slept through the whole thing.

The smile that had made its way to the merc's face slowly faded away as he looked down at Peter. He wanted to run his fingers through Peter's feathers... he wanted to continue their story. As warm and fuzzy as it was becoming Wade was still in the dark over an abundance of things about Peter. He softly ran his thumb over Peter's cheek bone as a small frown slowly took over the boy's face, his eyes twitching underneath their lids.

They had so many more things they needed to talk about.

When Wade landed outside of Peter's window, the questionable, metal grating chattering from the sudden drop of his weight. His mood bright, and his insides feeling all fuzzy about the new gift he had to bring Peter along with the nesting blanket normally left at Wade's apartment tucked under his arms safely.

It was the terrified screaming Wade registered a moment after as coming from
behind the window he was about to enter that made his blood run cold.

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