Girl Meets Belief.

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*Disclaimer: this talks about religion and God. Personally, I do not know what I believe in but if you do believe in a God or certain religion, please do not take offense at what is written and think that what I write is true about religion. Every religion is different and everyone is allowed to believe in what they believe in.*

A/N: Also this is slightly different from the actual episode because I don't like how the episode actually goes with Riley and Maya.

I've also dedicated this chapter to @JocelynDelacruz335 who left me a really nice comment... And sorry I lied about the updating in a few hours when it's actually taken me a couple days :/ hope you enjoy though! <3

Third Person.

Maya's eyes flutter open the next morning to the sound of birds chirping outside. She looks at her digital clock that's next to her bed and sees it's only seven, meaning she could have slept for at least another half hour.

With sun gazing into her room, lighting it up she doesn't bother trying to sleep anymore, instead just getting out of bed. As she stands up her phone falls onto the floor and she blushes, realizing she fell asleep on the phone to Josh.

She picks up her phone and reads the text, awh-ing at the cuteness of the boy.

From Joshua <3: You fell asleep so goodnight, I hope you feel better in the morning.. <3  

The heart at the end makes her actual heart beat faster and her cheeks redden more. Even though she knows it doesn't mean anything other than him caring about her, she still lets herself feel happy about it.

A smile breaks out on her face as she goes into the kitchen for some breakfast. As she scavenges through the pantry a sound behind her makes her jump and she bumps her head on one of the shelves.

"Ow!" She exclaims, rubbing her head and turning around.

"Sorry dear, I didn't mean to scare you." Her grandmother apologizes, walking over to her to kiss her head 'better'. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah Gammy, I'm fine." Maya replies, rubbing at her head once more.

"Do you want me to make you some of my famous pancakes for breakfast, dear?"

"I don't think we've got any ingredients to make pancakes, Gam." Maya tells her with a disappointed voice. Even though Katy's got a better paying job, they still, for some reason, have hardly any food in the house.

"That's alright," Gammy Clutterbucket (A/N: Sorry to interrupt but has anyone else realized that it says Gammy 'Hart' lives with them meaning it's Maya's dad's mother, NOT Katy's, since Katy's mother would be Gammy Clutterbucket? So if you're wondering, I've changed it to Gammy Clutterbucket from now on.) says cheerfully. "We've got eggs and cheese so I'll just make you an omelette."

"Thanks Gam." Maya sits down at the bench and watches her grandmother move around the kitchen, searching for various herb and spices and vegetables to add to the omelette. While she cooks, the two talk, something they rarely do.

When Gammy finishes she places a plate of food in front of the blonde and smiles. "I've missed talking with you, Maya."

"So have I, grandma." She admits, hugging her. "Thanks for the breakfast."

"Anytime, love." Gammy kisses her granddaughter on the forehead and then leaves the room to her bedroom. She would have stayed to talk some more with Maya but tears were threatening to fall as memories of them play in her head.

She misses spending time with her granddaughter like they used to but since she's grown up so much, she no longer needs her grandmother to babysit. But that makes times like this morning even more precious, for both of them.

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