Girl Meets I Do.

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Maya's POV.

As soon as I get home the next morning my mom is sitting in the living room, as if waiting for me to tell her something.

I know my dad wouldn't have called and told her though so this must be some sort of weird mom-power.

I had spent the night in Scott's bed, hugging him and crying into his shirt. He obviously didn't care that much, just giving me time to let it all out. I don't even know why I was crying, I was just overwhelmed.

And when I had let it all out I was so exhausted that I fell asleep clutching onto my best friend so tightly he couldn't move. He fell asleep next to me, even though he had set out the couch for him to sleep on.

I'm glad he didn't move though because I felt so protected in his arms, adding to the idea that he's like an older brother to me. I'm grateful for him.

So much so that I told him in the car on the way back to my place when I finally decided I should go back. I knew my mother wouldn't be that worried or she'd text but I just wanted to go home and shower and take a nap.

Now I'm here though, and I slightly regret it, seeing my mom sit on the couch with a mug in her hands as she watches the TV. She looks up at me, a smile on her face as she greets me good morning.

"Morning Mom." I say back, taking a nervous seat next to her. "I, ah, I need to tell you something."

"What is it baby girl?" Her voice is instantly laced with concern as she puts down her coffee.

"Um, it's about where I went yesterday..." I trail off, not sure if I should tell her in case she hates me for it. Well, too late now. "I went and saw dad."

Her eyes widen, clearly not expecting that answer. She's quiet, thinking probably about what to say, but I speak up again before she respond.

"I went and I met his wife, and their kids. My sister and my brother. They're all so lovely. Why would you keep them from me?" I ask, trying not to put blame on her but not able to word the question any other way.

"I know sweetie, I'm sorry." She looks down. "I just, I don't know. I didn't want them to come into your life and just, leave. Like your father."

I don't know what to say to that. I guess it's true, in a way. Of course she wouldn't want a family of my dad's to get close to me in case they turn out like him and leave.

But I've met them. All of them. Seen them as a family unit together. Been apart of it even if it was just for the night. It felt so real, so right. I know they'd never leave. Like Shawn wouldn't.

That's when everything hits me.

"Mom, I'm happy you're going to marry Shawn." The subject change doesn't even bother her. Instead, she just smiles and pulls me into a hug, happy. She doesn't even bring up the other topic, ignoring it completely and speaking only about the wedding.

She tells me about all the plans, rushing to her room and bringing back her wedding book with all the ideas. The wedding dress, bridesmaids dresses, the date, the guests, the reception, where the ceremony is going to take place.

Everything is planned and set.

"We want it to happen as soon as possible so that we can buy that new house and put bother our names on it." She says and I nod.

"So when is it?" I ask, excited. The date she has in her book says its in November but that's months away so I ignore that.

"Next week?"

"That's so close!" I say, my eyes widening.

"I know, but I just want this to happen as soon as possible."

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