Girl Meets Reminiscing.

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A/N: This is so bad and I may re-write it but for now, here you are and I'm sorry it has taken a million years. <3

Third Person.

Josh pushes Maya's door open, frantic. It's the middle of the night but he's had to call an ambulance for Maya's mother so he's rushed in to wake her.

She gets up, freaking out. "What's happened?" She asks but she just shakes his head and drags Maya out of her room and to his car.

"We'll follow behind them." Josh says, driving off from Maya's house, right behind the ambulance whose lights are flashing.

The car ride is silent, Maya sitting there internally freaking out, her heart racing, body shaking and tears beginning to form in her eyes. She tries to ignore them, not wanting to cry until they know what's happened with her mother.

She tries to ask Josh again but he doesn't answer, just keeping watching the road, almost ignoring the blonde completely. Except he places his hand on her leg, near her knee in support.

She forces herself to smile, his hand warm on her, helping to calm her as they continue the drive to the hospital.

When they finally arrive a paramedic escorts them to a waiting area as the others rush Katy to the triage room to look over her. Josh follows the paramedic over to the nurse's desk to go over what happened, leaving Maya sitting alone for a bit.

She just stares at the floor, not able to stop her body from trembling. She's scared and has so many questions. She just wants her mom.

Some beeping noises and chatter distract Maya for a bit but after a while she gets lonely and more scared so she looks up to see Josh. Except he's not there.

Her eyes widen, confused, and she looks around, about ready to cry. Josh is no where to be seen so she gets up to look for him. He can't have gone far and there's no way he would leave her here alone.

She walks down a corridor, trying to locate a vending machine, thinking he may be there getting something to eat. But when she walks by one, he's not there.

A few tears fall down her cheek as she walks back to the waiting area, scared and alone. A figure with Josh's brown hair walks by in front of her towards the waiting room and her eyes widen, sure that it's him.

"Josh!" She calls out, wiping at her face to remove the tears as she rushes over to him.

She touches his shoulder, a weak, sad smile on her face, but that quickly changes when the guy turns around to reveal a stranger and not Joshua Matthews.

"Oh, sorry." She apologizes to the guy who just nods understandingly and then continues on his way. Maya sighs and falls into a chair, feeling exhausted and afraid.

Maya sits there, by herself, trying to ignore the fact that she's alone. She decides to pass time by looking around the room and notices that it's pretty much empty, besides the two nurses at the reception on the ward.

There are only two other people in the room, one in the far corner sitting there, looking creepy and swaying on her chair. And the other is standing by the wall, almost facing it with her hand up, like she could be on the phone but Maya's not sure.

Maya looks away from them, feeling herself become much more terrified of what's happening, and the fact that Josh has left her. All she wants is Josh. She needs him to be here, to keep her safe and tell her everything's going to be okay.

As time passes, Maya grows more and more anxious and scared. She's tired and tears have been falling randomly down her face. Eventually a nurse comes over to her and delivers her some good news.

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