Girl Meets Diagnosis.

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Third Person.

It's been a three days since Maya had been admitted into hospital with two broken bones and found in a semi-comatose state. Nothing has changed yet; she's still just lying unconscious in her hospital bed.

Ever since then she's been put under many scans to check brain activity, sleep quantity and other various scans that are being used to determine what is wrong with her.

No one has been communicating about anything, Katy keeping everything written down in a notebook but not ready to explain anything to anyone just yet. There are still no concert results or answers yet.

Not even Shawn has been told anything.

Josh wishes he could be told something. He's been visiting as much as he can but it's only been to take Riley, so that it isn't weird or anything. They still haven't been allowed in to see her yet though.

She's still always on his mind though. And he's still been texting her every day, keeping her up to date with everything he thinks she might want to know when she finally wakes up. Which still could be any day according to the nurses.

However, the best news everyone has been told is that they can go in and see her today. Of course, it won't be to do much, considering she's still unconscious and just lying there, but they can talk to her.

It's unknown if she can hear them, however the doctors have said that she most likely can and if she isn't in a dream-like state, she could even respond. It wouldn't be speaking responding, just a twitch of the hand or eyes moving under her eyelids.

Either way, all her friends are excited to see her. Riley, Josh, even Scott and Stiles are going to in today with the biggest smiles on their faces just knowing they can see hers soon.

First to arrive is Scott.

It's only ten in the morning, however, he's walking in with his mother who's starting a shift now so he decided to come with and see Maya first.

"Don't annoy her, okay? And if she wakes up or anything happens, press the button for a nurse." Mrs McCall instructs, smiling to her son.

"I know mom!" He exclaims, a little anxious to see his best friend in a hospital bed. His mom nods her head, gives him a quick peck on the forehead and then leaves him in front of Maya's hospital room.

Neither Katy nor Shawn are around, probably down in the cafeteria, or hopefully at home taking a rest. Either way, the chairs outside her room are empty.

Scott takes a deep breath in, forcing himself to find some strength in himself before placing his hand on the door handle and pushing down on it. The door, squeaking as it opens, reveals the white hospital room behind it.

Inside, Scott's eyes find Maya lying in the hospital bed, wires are hooked up all over her, three machines beside her, all beeping differently and at different rates. Her breathing catches Scott's attention next, loud and irregular, like when she's asleep.

With that, he feels a little more comforted, seeing her more like she is asleep, rather than in a comatose state. It allows him to find to walk over to the chair that's next to her bed and sit down in it.

It's quiet, besides the beeping, but that's something he's used to hearing since his mom is a nurse and he used to constantly follow her around hospital rooms, listening to the machines.

The whole situation feels so crappy and all Scott wants to do is leave with Maya following behind, and end up back at his house so they can watch movies all day like they usually would.

But he can't do that.

Instead, he carefully places his hand on hers and squeezes it reassuring, mostly for himself. "Hey Maya... I don't know you can hear me or not but I'm gonna talk to you anyway."

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