Girl Meets Prospective.

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A/N: So the beginning is in past tense, YES I know, but don't worry, it'll return to present tense. I'm sorry if the past tense is speeding through but it helps to understand things rather than just a time-skip. Anyway, hope you all enjoy, this is one of my fave chapter just because of how I wrote it (:

Maya's POV.

The rest of the night at Riley's was spent with her questioning me about her uncle; asking me what he talked to me about, asking me if I'm  okay, whether I want to talk about it all with her.

I couldn't tell her everything though, not like I did with Josh. I tried. I said a few bits and pieces about Lucas and that drama, but nothing flowed as easily as I wanted it too. So when she finally decided we should just watch movies for the rest of the day, I was thrilled.

And then when she finally lay down and fell asleep, I was finally able to rest. Somehow, I ended up in the living room where I slept that night after staying up for hours with a restless head of thoughts.

In the morning, Topanga woke me up gently, sitting next to me with French toast that she had made me for breakfast. She wanted to talk, not about anything in particular, but just to keep me company. She didn't even ask me why I was on the couch even though I knew she wanted to.

Josh had been the second one awake that morning, taking Mrs M's place on the couch as she got up to make everyone else breakfast. Josh and I didn't really talk, all he told me was that I shouldn't worry about Lucas because he would fix it.

I still have no idea what he meant by that since I decided to give him the silent treatment because of how tired I was. But of course I now regret that as I lie awake overthinking it and going through the endless possibilities of what he meant.

I'm still at Riley's, laying next to her sleeping body instead of on the couch this night; so I could go to Josh's room and ask him right now if I wanted. But what good would that do? To sneak into his room at three in the morning and question him about something he said so many hours before?

I've already gone through some many different scenarios in my head that could play out if I did that and none of them were to my liking. So instead I chose to just lay here, staring at Riley's bedroom ceiling until my eyes eventually close themselves as my body forces me into some much needed sleep.

When they reopen there is no Riley next to me, just a warm space where she clearly was not long ago. The sun is shining through the cracks in her curtains and the cheerful sound of birds chirping behind them make me realize what day it is.


It's the first day of the week. The first day of school for thus week, to be exact. And also the first day of me being able to begin my plan of fixing things with Lucas; a plan that Riley helped me work out about yesterday.

It's not exactly what I would normally do, but Riley seems to think that it's a good prospective and for her, I'll do anything. Hence why I'm winging my legs off her bed and carrying myself to the Matthews' apartment kitchen.

As I step into the kitchen, the smell of orange juice is what hits me first. Then the sound of sizzling bacon and eggs combine with the voices of some of my favorite people in the world.

"Good morning Maya." Mrs Matthews says, seeing me first as she whizzes around the kitchen fixing up breakfast for everyone.

Then it's Mr Matthews, biding me a good morning. I return the greetings to them both as I walk over and sit down next to my best friend who's currently stuffing her face with something that looks like a muffin.

"Might want to slow down there, Riles, before you choke on that." I warn her, a hint of amusement in my voice.

"If this was cake, you'd be doing the same thing." Riley mumbles, crumbs falling out of her mouth from the food she has yet to finish chewing.

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