Girl Meets Unexpected Argument.

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A/N: Sorry this is kinda short. Enjoy though ! (:

Maya's POV.

I turn around, expecting it to be some stranger but it's not. Strawberry blonde hair flowing down to her waist, a smile on her face and her purse swinging over her arm. Lydia.

"Hey, Maya, are you okay?" She asks, her sincere voice making me feel sad.

"Ah, yeah Lydia." I answer too quickly. She eyes me for a bit, coming closer with a determined look in her eye.

"Why'd you rush away so quickly then?"

I sigh, realizing that I don't have enough time to think up a good enough lie that this girl will believe. "Um, it was Allison..."

"What about her?"

"She keeps staring at me like she's about to hunt me down and kill me or something." I reluctantly admit, feeling stupid. Maybe I'm overreacting and going to make things worse. Allison is Lydia's best friend after all so Lydia is probably gonna go back and laugh about this to her.

"Ohh, yeah, I know what you mean." Lydia answers, sounding.. sympathetic? "She can be like that. She just gets super overprotected. And she's jealous."

"Of me?"

"Yeah. I mean, she's been crushing on Scott since they first met so whenever you come hang out she gets a little more jealous because of you and Scott's friendship.  But don't let that change how you think of her." Lydia smiles. "She really is one of the nicest people you'll know."

My mind starts spinning, remembering how kind and friendly Allison was when we first met. But how am I competition? I'm younger than Scott and I don't even like him? I'm also pretty sure he doesn't like me... but could I be wrong?

"Don't worry though, Maya, I'll talk to her, let her know how obnoxious she's being."

"Oh, thank you." I finally look up at the girl, pushing away my questioning mind.

"Anytime." She smiles again and I smile back this time. "I know how much both the boys like you so I wouldn't want Allison to scare you off or anything. They, and Issac and I, really like you hanging out with us."

I feel my cheeks warm up, a pink blush flooding over them. "Thank you, that means a lot."

She nods, coming over to me and wrapping her arm around my shoulders. "Shall we go back now?" I nod and she walks with me back to the cafeteria, only taking her arm back when we're standing at the table.

Scott and Stiles stare worrying up at me, watching me sit down but I ignore them, instead telling Scott he can finish his story now. Even though I know he wants to ask me if I'm okay, he must take the hint that I don't want to talk about it because he starts telling me about his story about class again.

For the last five minutes of lunch break, with Stiles having swapped seats with Issac so we could lean against each other, Scott's story stretched the time until the bell went.

Stiles and I don't start moving until after everyone else has stood up though, too comfortable. But then Scott's hand pulls me up, leaving Stiles sitting alone.

"I'll walk you to class?" Scott asks, still clearly worried about me.

He starts walking but I don't move, instead shaking my head at him. "I think I'm gonna walk with Stiles, if he wants?" I look back to see the goofy boy nod his head. "You should walk with Allison."

I say the last part quietly so the girl can't hear from across the table behind us. Scott looks a little confused and shocked almost, but nods. Then he glances at Stiles and then walks away without a word, going to join the rest of the group.

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