Mother's Always Right (11/17/16)

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And maybe my mom is always right
But I still hate to admit it
I like to think for myself
And be independent

For she taught me to be patient
But I feel my waiting is done
She says keep on pushing through
But I don't want to hear it

And maybe my mom is always right
But I'll still try to make my own decisions
Maybe I'll get knocked down
But at least I learned something

For she doesn't feel what I feel
And she doesn't know what I know
She doesn't live in the same world as I
But maybe that's because she's lived in her own

And maybe my mom is always right
But I'm a stubborn girl
And refuse to go down without a fight
And I'll never take no for a answer

For I've never let no stop me before
And I'm still somehow alright
Maybe I'll just see how this unfolds
And see where the road takes me

For my mother is always right
And she always taught me to be patient
And she's more than likely right
So for now I'll just keep waiting

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