The Meet Up

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I had just finished recording, editing, and uploading my last video of the day. As I sat in my recording chair I looked out the window enjoying my new view.

I had moved out of Ireland entirely about three days ago, and I had moved to L.A with Mark. The reason for this is that, all of our fans were wanting me to move to the United States, and another part of the reason I moved was that I wanted to do more co-labs with Mark, and help out on the charity live streams.

The view out my window was very nice. I was on the second floor of the house, so the view out the window was a view of the forest at the bottom of the hill. Occasionally I would see a deer or a coyote walking around, or chasing something.

My phone vibrated and almost fell off the desk. I picked up the phone with the light up screen. The lock screen had a notification on it. It was Mark, he had texted me. I opened the text and it read out "hey jack wanted 2 c if u wanted to come over to my house in a bit". "Sure" I sent back, there was nothing to do at my house anyways. Wiishu was at work until ten o'clock tonight, and I was saving all of my games for recording. "What time" I double checked with him.

As I waited for him to answer I went downstairs and set my phone down on the coffee table and walked over to the refrigerator. I opened the door to see a box of left over pizza from last night, only little water in my Britta filter, and pickles. Or at least those were the things that had caught my attention first. The door was filled with a bunch of condiments, going from barbecue sauce, to salad dressing.

Being typical me I obviously pulled out the left over pizza. I grabbed one slice of pizza and left the last one for Wiishu. I through it on a plate, and into a microwave. My phone vibrated and lit up once again. I walked over and picked it up, Mark still had not texted back yet, maybe he was figuring out a time from me to come over. Who I did get a text from was Felix, he said to me "hey man thinking about coming out to L.A in a couple days what do u think". There was no doubt about it he knew I was just going to say yes right away. "Well duh but dont tell mark about it I want 2 surprise him" I said to him.

Then the microwave went back off. I turned my head and looked in the general direction of the microwave. The inside was completely steamed up, maybe I left in there for too long, I thought to myself. I walked over to the microwave with my phone in hand and opened the door. Steam smoked up the room, I was surprised that it didn't set off the smoke alarm. "Oops," I said to myself in the empty house.

I set my phone down on the counter and grabbed the plastic plate, I never really liked cleaning dishes in the first place, and neither did Wiishu, so we just normally used paper plates. I quickly through the plate on the island behind me, as to not get burned. I turned back around closed the door, and grabbed my phone that had already had another text on it.

I walked behind the island and sat down on the bar stool while checking my phone. It was Felix once again who responded with a "k" on the text. I set my phone to sleep and set it next to me. I attempted to pick up the pizza but it was too hot. I touched it and immediately dropped it, it felt like I got third degree burns on my hands. "I'll just let it cool down," I said picking my phone back up.

It seemed like the second that I opened my phone Mark text me. I opened it up and examined it, the text said "maybe 2 o'clock" it was one o'clock now, I figured that time was fine and said "sure it'll give my pizza time to cool down and not burn my hand again haha". "lol" I was sent back almost immediately.

I smiled and let out a little giggle before opening Facebook, God I haven't been on Facebook in such a long time, I thought. I had 34 notifications and half of them were friend requests, of course I accepted them. And most of the other half seemed to be post I was tagged in, but the other little but of the notifications were things about games.

I opened all of the tags and most of them were fan-art that I just absolutely loved. I commented on all of them a heart emoji.

I was on Facebook for about ten minutes and figured that my pizza was cool enough. I picked it up and it didn't burn me this time. I took a bite out of it, and it was the perfect temperature. The food was gone and devoured within five minutes, it was now 1:15, and I was getting bored.

I ended up texting Mark and asking him if it was okay if I came over now, he ended up saying yes, Tyler and Ethan were both home for the day, all their challenges were done.

I got my shoes on, grabbed my keys and phone, and I was out the door heading for Mark's house.

Mark's house was on the other side of the city so it took me about ten to fifteen minutes to get there.

On my way there I pulled up to a traffic light, the lights on my left and right were yellow and two people seemed to be racing to get across. I watched as both of them came onto each other head on crashing. Both of their noses of their cars were crushed. Oh my God, I thought, unbuckling my seat belt. I ran over to both of their cars and opened the doors, I first checked on the guy on the left. He seemed to be unconscious, I unbuckled his seat belt as I heard the sirens of the ambulance come racing down the street.

I picked up the guy and ran over to the other person in the car on the right, with the other man in my hands. The man in the other car was conscious and in a lot of pain. He even had two kids in the back.

I unbuckled him and opened the door to get to the kids. One was a female and one was a male that seemed to be nine and ten. The male being ten and the female being nine. The younger one was closest to me and only suffered minor injures as a black eye and a sprained ankle. The other one, the male, seemed to have a broken arm and a bleeding forehead, he was crying.

I got the sister out of the car first, then I got him out, being careful not to touch his arm.

The paramedics came around the cars and helped me check them for anything wrong.

Once they were ready I wished them good luck and got back in my car. When I was back in my car, everyone went around me, and the light was once again red. I made a u turn and found another rouge to Mark's house using Google Maps.

I finally made it to Mark's house and apologized for being so late, he didn't seem to mind, especially because of what I did for those four strangers.

(This actually went on longer than I expected... sorry).

Rustling in The Dark (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye X Markiplier X Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now