Lone Wolf

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Jack's POV:

When I woke up Anti was gone. I sat up and got out of the bed. I walked over to the door and opened it. As I walked out out of the door, I turned to my left and found Anti and Dark sitting at the table talking. I walked over to them and Anti turned around to me and, again, said, "Hey, sleepyhead! Finally waking up!"

I walked over to him and sat down in the chair and placed my arms on top of each other on the table with my forehead resting on them. "How many times are you going to say that," I asked, my voice muffed between my arms and my chest.

"Every time you wake up," Anti joked.

It was quiet for a little bit until I spoke up, "Hey, um, I think I'm gonna go for a walk."

"Why," Anti said perking up.

"I don't know, I think I just need some air."

"But-" Dark cut Anti off by placing a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to look at him as Dark just shook his head slowly. After this, Anti said no more and just motioned me with a hand gesture to go.

I turned around and put my hoodie and jacket on. I then walked toward the door, I placed my hand on the door handle and turned back to them. They just looked at me with the blankest stare.

Giving up on thinking of something to say before leaving, I turned back around and headed out the door. When I stepped out into the open wilderness, the first thing I notice is that it is a lot more warmer than I had expected.

I took my jacket off and wrapped it around my waist. I began walking away from the house mumbling to myself about global warming and such.

The crunching of the leafs underneath me brought me into a trans and I began day dreaming. I looked up at the blue sky seeping threw the holes of the red and brown leafs above me. The warm sun caressing my deformed face in heat. I can already feel my face turning red in the warm weather.

I bring my head down and notice the grave where Mark was buried. My trans breaks and I stop day dreaming and quickly smile and look around. To the right of me there is a wolf in the distance starring at me from behind a tree. I don't move and return the gaze.

It took a quick step from around the tree. It was a gray wolf with very sharp white teeth. It was like it had never hunted or eaten anything in its life, making hungry. This thought made me look at the wolf and in its pastel yellow eyes I could almost see the look of hunger now in its eyes.

I didn't feel any fear, not even anger. My heart started pounding and I just felt the urge to fight. My already red face turned into an even deeper red. I planted my feet into the ground and I tensed my shoulders. My eyes met the wolf's and they locked there. The wolf mimicked me and got in an attack stance, locking his eyes with mine.

Planting his feet, snarling, and bring his ears back, almost making himself more arrow-dynamic. The animal charged me and lunged at me. His paws dug into my chest and I fell back onto the ground.

I brought my leg up and put it on its chest, pushing the animal off me. This gave me enough time to sit up before he jumped back on me. His claws scratched me and I screamed. The black fluid ran down my arm. I noticed a stick to my left from the corner of my eye. I reached for it and winced as the scars on my arm stung from the sudden movement. The stick wasn't sharp but it was very thick.

While I turned my head, the wolf grabbed a hold of my neck. The sharp pain on the side of my neck knocked me to the ground. My very short and raspy breath hurt as I tried to stay alive. Again wincing, I raised the stick above my head and swung it in front of me as hard as I could. The animal jolted but didn't let go of me. My left arm gave up from the stinging pain. This time I brought the stick to the side where my other arm could reach. I swung hard and the wolf feel to the side, letting go of me. I sat up as it stood up. As it charged me, I stuck my foot out and pushed it down the hill.

I quickly stood up and yelled at the screaming pain in my neck. My arm shot up and I placed my hand on my throat feeling the cold, black blood. I clutched the stick in my other hand firmly as I heard the wolf coming back. I hear footsteps behind me. Trying not to move my neck, I turned around. I saw no one but knew who it was.

The wolf made it back up the hill just as Anti came into view. The first thing I notice was the pistol in his hand. I ran after him but got only a foot before I was tackled to the ground. Every body part screaming in pain as I hit the ground. The animal scratched my back profusely. I spun around yelling at the movement of my body. I wacked it as it grabbed my hand and ripped it to shreds.

"Shoot it!" I screamed at Anti. He quickly brought the gun up and shot a clean shot to the head. His grip loosen and it fell limply onto of me. Its weight crushing me. Very carefully, I pushed it off of me and yelled at the pain in my arm. By this point, I didn't even feel my hand. I stood and looked down at it while Anti came running at me.

"Oh my God!" He yelled at me. "Are you alright?"

When he got in touching distance I grabbed the gun out of his hand with my uninjured arm. I then proceeded to shot the wolf over and over again. He quickly snagged the gun back yelling at me.

"Do you think I'm alright?!" I yelled back. "I got fucking attacked by a wolf for Christ sake."

I then heard more leaves rustling behind him. Like a game of hot potato I took the gun back and aimed it at the treeline. Back at Anti, he grabbed the gun back, "Chill the fuck out, it's only Dark." He said as he emerged from behind a tree.

"Well for all I know it could be another wolf!" I said turning around and walking down the hill that I shoved the wolf down.

I immediately hear Anti running after me but Dark calling to him calmly to stop his, "Don't," he said as the footsteps stopped. "He just needs to cool off."

((So... it's been forever... hears the next chapter I guess??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯))

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