Don't Let Him Know

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The next morning came and I didn't even know I fell asleep until I woke up in one of the hospital room's chairs with sunglasses on. I must have found some in Dark's car. My fangs ached in thirst. I shot upward into a more normal sitting position my hand in front of my mouth. "Ow, crap."

"Are you okay, sir," a voice asked.

"Huh," I looked up, one of the doctors was in the room talking to Anti. "Oh, yes, ma'am, I just slept on my arm wrong. Nothing to get yourself all on a fuss over," I said smiling, making sure not to show my teeth.

"Mhm, sure," it was Dark sitting in the opposite corner me.

Making sure the doctor wasn't watching, I silently hissed at Dark. Dark, in response, acted over-dramatically scared, silently screaming. Anti panned his look from Dark and back to me. "You guys are weird."

"Hey, you're not stuttering anymore," I said with joy.

"Yea, they fixed while you were asleep." Something flashed behind his eyes that reassured me that he remembered last night.

I smiled at him, "good."

"Hey, why were you guys in the woods last night anyways."

Anti stuttered trying to find something, but I covered for him. "We went out to retrieve my watch that I dropped."

Anti looked over at me and dropped his jaw slightly. "What," asked Dark.

Anti looked at him and said, "Oh, nothing, I forgot what we did last night." Anti looked over at me and winked. It was a wink that said 'I did remember' not 'I love you' because of my current state.

"Alright, all done," said the doctor. "You guys should give Jack some time alone with Alice since he doesn't seem to remember much after the car ride." She glanced at me and smiled I returned the smile.

Her and Dark stepped out. Dark said, "I'm gonna go watch surgeries," before he left.

The door shut and I stood up and walked over to the bed. Before I even got a chance to finish my stride, there was a hand on the back of my head and lips on mine. It was a small short kiss but enough to trigger my wings. "Yes, I did remember."

"Thank you," I said kissing him again.

"Thank you for remembering or something else."

"Thank you for remembering and thank you for not dying."

"I wouldn't have let myself."

I could feel the burning sensation in the back of my throat as I began to cry. "I thought you were going to."

"Oh, Sean," he said pulling me into a hug. I stained the hospital gown in big dark blue spots."It's okay, I'm fine. You don't need to worry." I crouched down so it was easier for him to hug me.

"I should have gotten you here sooner," I sobbed. "It's my fault."

"Oh, Jack, no it's not."

"Yes it is."

Anti pulled me away from him, revealing my mess of a red face. "Shut up," He said yanking me into a kiss so I couldn't talk anymore. I melted in his grip as I kissed him back. My wings flapped sending anything on a table to the floor. Anti giggled a little. "We can practice back at the house when I'm out tomorrow but not inside."

It was quiet for another moment while we continued to kiss. "Ow," Anti yelped quietly. He recoiled back. "Your fang." His lip began to bleed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to," I said quickly, reaching out for him.

"No, no, I'm okay," he said turning away slightly, touching his lip where it bled. "Shit, what about Dark, he's going to asked what happened."

It was silent a minute while we thought. "Um... couldn't you tell him you just bit your lip?"

"Ah, I mean I could try, but I think it might be too deep for me to have bit it."

I hugged him and apologized once more. I stood up and walked to the door. I stopped, turned around and, "I love you," suddenly spilled out of my mouth.

Anti giggled at my confused face if why I said that. "I love you, too," he smirked, "Babe."

My wings went bizerk and flapped everywhere, sending me up and falling back down to the floor. "Ow," I complained, standing back up. "You knew they would do that didn't you?"

"Yes," he laughed.

I shrugged and headed out the door. Dark was just outside the room glaring into the door's window. "Hey, you can go in now if you want, I'm gonna go find something to drink."

"Okay," was all he said, head into Anti's room.

When the door closed, I began to wander down the hall.

Almost immediately I found a tray of blood sacks on a tray. I checked around me and nobody was around and there was no cameras. I quickly walked pasted, snatched a packet, stuffed it into my inside jacket pocket so no one could see it. I walked into the bathroom just down the hall and into the stall.

I looked down at the blood sack. It was 'O negative blood'. I took it out and bit into it. This tasted like fruit punch. Blood types must taste different because Felix's is 'A negative'. I finish the packet and put it under many paper towels in the trashcan. I'm just surprised that nobody was in here.

I walk out and back into Anti's room. Dark and Anti were talking about some kid named Don from back in school. "Oh, hey Jack, back so soon," asked Anti.

"Yea, there was some down the hall."

Anti went to do something towards me but stopped abruptly realizing Mark was in the room. "You, um, have some on your lip," something passed behind Anti's eyes. I could tell what it was though. I was almost like a mix of anger, sadness, annoyance, and hopelessness.

Could he be mad at me? Was he sad that we can act normally around Dark anymore? Was he just strait annoyed with Me? Or was it Dark? Maybe he felt hopeless because with how much Dark's around, we won't work out.

What if he broke up with me? What would Dark do if he found out? Why are there some many unanswered questions? What if these questions don't have answers? What if Dark killed Anti? I gasped, what IF Dark killed Anti? What if this is all just a set up?

My heart started to race and my chest started to hurt. Hyperventilation kicked in, I became dizzy and felt like I was having a heart attack. I suddenly became very terrified and my fingers and toes felt numb.

Having lost control of my body, I stumbled backward and slumped down against the wall. I began to have chills. I focused on my rapid breathing pattern. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, hugging them tight.

A sudden sting on my cheek broke me from most of my state, I still couldn't control my body, hyperventilation and my rapid heartbeat continued.

Dark was crouched beside me and Anti sat at the end of the bed on his hands and knees, leaning over to try and see me. This time fear was set in his eyes. Dark waved a hand in front of my face calling my name. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. "Jack," he said. Only my bodily control came back.

I stood up and so did Dark. I stumbled and grabbed a hold of Dark for support. I looked at him in the face and kind of pointed in the middle of where my neck and check connected. I shook my head trying to say that I couldn't breath.

Dark didn't understand me so I slapped him and pointed to me, telling him to slap me. He did and I think it left a red mark on my face. My rapid breathing and heartbeat quit and was normal now. Now I plainly could breath. Each breath was just gasps for air. I fell forward toward Anti and held onto the bed frame for support. Suddenly a big gasp of air came in and I could breath now.

I was thankful, but that didn't last long at to, when I passed out once I could breath.

Rustling in The Dark (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye X Markiplier X Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now