Wake Up

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Jack's POV:

We were finally able to fall asleep about a half hour after Mark blacked out. And I woke up to be a small strike of pain. I opened my eyes and turned around. Emma through a shoe at me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Wake up! Anti's gonna be in here any minute! Now give me back my shoe." I could still barely see, but I still picked up the shoe and through the shoe back across the room.

"Hey Jack." I looked over at Felix. "Could you try and wake up Mark again?" I nodded my head and crawled over to Mark.

I shook him by the shoulder with my hands and called out for him to wake up. "Mark... Mark...!" He still didn't wake up. I turned back around to look at Felix. I shook my head and said "he still hasn't woken up." "What happened to him?" Marzia asked. "I don't specifically know." "Well what happened just before he passed out?" I looked over at Felix. He smiled and looked over at Marzia and said "we were playing truth or dare last night and I dared Jack to kiss Mark. Well long story short, Jack kissed Mark on the forehead, it took a second but he eventually blacked out. We don't know why it happened."

Just then we heard the door creak open. Shit, I thought in my head, remembering what had happened the last time I mumbled something the last time that he was in here. "Rise n' shine sleepy heads!" He called out. I noticed a small handgun in his back right pocket. "I hope y'all filled ye' stummaches yesterday, 'cause y'all ain't eating after that stunt ye' 'tr-" He cut off his own words and he glared at me, Mark, and Felix.

Felix looked at me with a certain look that just said 'we're screwed'. Anti began walking up to me and Mark. I sat confidently in front of Mark as I watched as Anti got closer.

Anti got up to me and just stood there looking at me. I silently prayed that he wouldn't do anything to me or Mark. He stepped to the side of me and crouched down next to me. He rested his forearms on his thighs and let his hands dangle in between his legs. "Te' foock's wroung with him?" I turned around and thought, why isn't he flipping out over this? "We don't know." I don't know how but I was talking to him like an old friend. He took his by the shoulder and he also tried to shake him awake. Still... no response.

He turned to me and moved my shoulder so that I was facing him. Then he said so quietly that I could barely even heard what he was saying, "Jack, I know t'at ye' probably don't believe me or trust me but I swear on my brot'er's life t'at I'm secretly on our side." I looked back at him with a confused face. I didn't know weather to believe him or not. I mean, he tried to take me finger off before. "Please tell me' t'at ye' believe me'..." We were quiet for a minute as I looked around the room trying to figure out what to say. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye. "Ye' believe me'... don't ye'?" There was something in his black and green eyes that just told me that he wasn't lying.

I swallowed hard and said "I-I believe you Alice." His arms went limp and fell off of my shoulders as he let out a sigh of relief.

He turned back to Mark and unchained him. As he was doing so he told me, "ye' must not tell Dark about t'is." He turned his head and looked at me. "Ye' have ta' swear." I nodded my head and said, "I swear." "Okay, good. Now I just hope t'at ye' can keep a promise." He said looking back over at Mark.

There was a clicked and the cuffs fell off and onto the mattress. He fixed his blue collar. As he shifted it around I noticed red marks on his neck. "Doesn't that hurt?" I asked him. "Yea, but ye' know, I have ta' put wit' it." He reached his arms under his legs and back and he picked him up.

He stood up with him and I stood up along with him. I looked at him with a worried look and he said, "don't worry... I won't let him do anyt'ing but wake em' up." And with that he walked out of the creaky door. I quietly hoped that Mark stayed safe, and out of trouble.

"Alice?" Felix asked. "Yea, that's his real name." "Really I thought that it would have been the same name or at least Sean backwards." "Nah." "So you just believed him like that!?" Emma yelled. I looked over at her and spoke softly, "you don't know what I saw. There was something in his eyes that just told me that he wasn't lying." "You don't know that!" she said. "He could have been manipulating you." "He wasn't!" I snapped back. Her mouth dropped and she jerked back. She didn't say anything else.

"E-Emma... I-I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to." She stuck her hand out and shook it. "No, no it's fine. It's me that should be me apologizing, I'm the one that made you yell."

It was silent in the room again until I decided to break it. "P.J, you've been quiet." He snapped his head up as fast and looked at me. "Oh, um... it's because I've nothing to say." "Well then find something to say." "Um... how did you and Mark end up here?" He asked. Emma looked at me too. "Yea I'd like to know that myself." "Same here." Felix said.

"Alright, alright." I said. "Me and Mark met up at his house and we decided to go out and explore the woods. I fell out of a tree and shortly after that we got lost and became dark. Some bushes next to us started to shake and only an animal came out, I don't remember what species though. Anyway, we started walking again, then a rock came out of nowhere and hit Mark in the face, causing him to pass out. Then Dark came out of nowhere and punched me. Later on me and Mark woke up, but then we were taken out of a car and got knocked out again, then we woke up here." "Oh, well he hit me and Marzia with his car in Sweden." Felix said. "He snuck into my house while me and P.J were doing a collab." "Oh! And just so you guys know, Mark doesn't remember a thing before we got here." "Not even that you came to his house?" "No I don't think so."

(So staying at my aunt's house was a thing that happened.)  

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