Fix Him

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Anti's POV:

"He's a fucking angsty teen," I said angrily to Dark, the leafs crunching underneath us as we walked back to the house.

"He's not even a teenager," Dark responded.

"Exactly!" It was quiet for a few minutes before we got to the door again.

"I'm not going back for him next time," I said.

"I told you not to go for him this time," Dark said flatly, hanging his coat up on the coat rack.

"I know," I said almost disappointed-like. I heard another scream from the forest and perked up for a moment before thinking of what I said. I flopped sluggishly onto the couch. "What do you think is wrong this time?"

"Well, he's mad and it hurts to move so it's an open canvas. But if I were to say, he just screamed from anger."

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Are you Buddha?"

"What," Dark laughed.

"You're always so calm and monotone all the time."

"Well I would agree that I'm a god but I'm not Buddha," He continued, still laughing.

I sat up from the couch and smiled at him. "You're stupid."

"Hey," he said flatly again. "You're the one who went after the kid."

I opened my mouth to say something back to him but stopped as it wasn't worth the breath.

Jack's POV:

"Here I am... sitting against a tree. Shirtless, shirt around my hand, jacket around my arm, sweatshirt around my neck, and deep exposed scars that could get infected at any moment."

"Yeah, you really messed up this time."

I turned my head and saw a fluff of red hair propped up against the tree next to me. "Huh," I laughed. "Didn't think you'd show up, Mark."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I thought you hated me?"


"Because I got you killed."

Mark ignored me and sighed. "You should go to a hospital."

"Are you mental!" I snapped at him

"No, at least not completely."

"I can't go to a hospital, they'll send me to some fucking research facility. Not to mention I don't have time for that."


"Speaking of which, do you have it?"

"Yeah, hang on," he said pulling out a couple of water balloons.

"Nice," I said taking them from his cold hands.

"Oh, and while I was at the store I found this if it makes a difference." He pulled out a small container of brownish liquid.

"Guess I could find a way to use this," I said taking it. I put it away, and looked back at him. He smiled and waved as he began fading away again. "Wait!" I yelped at him. I jumped at him but he had already left. I yelled in pain as I landed.

As I laid there not wanting to get up, I began to get tired and eventually passed out in the forest.

Anti's POV:

"It's been a long time since he's been gone. It's getting dark," I said looking out the window worried.

"He'll show," Dark reassured me.

"Maybe, but I'm not going to bed until he shows."

"Alright, well I know for a fact that I am," he said turning around so he's facing the back of the couch. "Good night."

"Ugh, fine," I said. "Good night." I walked over to the chair sat down and just looked out the window lost in my thoughts.

I sat there and waited, and waited until I finally ended up dozing off in the chair with the fire going.

When I finally woke up I heard a doorbell. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed how dark it was in the room. "Y-Yeah, hang on!" I call out to the person on the other side of the door. There was no call back like I expected.

I stood and walked over to the fire, crouching and opening the gate that blocked the fire so it didn't go out. I grabbed the lighter from off the coffee table and lit some slightly warm ashes that laid out across the floor of the stone fire place. I blew on it and it lit up brighter than a thousand suns.

"Better," I mumbled to myself in the now lit room. Dark was still asleep. "Coming," I yelled to the person who might not even be there anymore.

I walked over to the door and unlocked it. When I opened it I found Jack shirtless on the ground fast asleep. I took a step out of the house and looked around the treeline. Off to the northeast treeline I saw a pair of glowing pastel yellow eyes. I squinted toward it to see it better but I didn't so I ignored it.

I crouched down and scooped my arms under him. He winced at the pain even in his sleep. He must be freezing, I thought to myself as I stood. I walked in the house and closed the door behind me. I walked over to the fire and set him down next to it.

I figured that I should patch him up now instead of having to have to deal with him while he might still be bitchy with me for some reason. I stood and grabbed a flashlight and towel from the kitchen counter and walked into a room down the hall.

The shadows elongated as I approached the door at the end of the hall. I reached out and grabbed the cold door handle. I twisted and opened the door. The dark room before me held all of our medical supplies such as our pills, rubbing medicine, casts, bandages, and all of those things.

I walked over to a table in the far right corner of the room. I grabbed some band-aids, peroxide, and tweezers. I turned around and walked out of the room, making sure to close the door behind me.

When I got back to Jack, he seemed warmer to the touch. I decided to start with his back scars first so it was easier to work with the next ones to come after it.

These scars were noticeably going to be worse than the others. I turned his on his stomach and knelt down next to him. I took the towel and dipped some of the peroxide onto the towel. I then rubbed it on his back. He tensed in his sleep again. I hand now gotten to the worse bit about the whole situation.

I slowly picked up the tweezers and hesitated before expanding the wound and picking out the random objects that was in there like rocks, grass, bugs, dead and alive, and many more random things.

After I finished with this part I pit more peroxide on him and doubled checked for more things. Once I was sure that everything was clean I patched him up and wrapped the band-aids around his abdomen.

I then sat him up on the wall and checked his hand, repeating the same thing on the rest of the cuts and wounds. I would have to wait til the morning to see how his neck was doing. But for now I picked him up and took him to his room. I laid him down on the bed and covered him with the sheets. I then walked out and slept on the  chair in the living room.

Rustling in The Dark (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye X Markiplier X Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now