Where He Went

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Everyone sat in the noticeably eerie silence. I looked up at the clock displayed on the wall. It was half pasted eight. Glaring up, I looked through the small, one way, skylight. I saw the tops of the trees with some stars.
Damn. Mark left in the morning. Where was he? Was he even still alive? These were tear jerking thought to think of, but I had to know the wonders. I had to know the answers.
"This is bullshit," Felix said breaking the silence. "I'm calling someone." What? I wondered to myself,  he still had his phone? "How do you still have your phone?" I asked.
He reached into his, what seemed like, half his pocket. His gaze shot up to me. "Huh?" He said in confusion. "Oh, I was able to hide it in the strip search." "How?" "There was a secret pocket in my jacket that they didn't search or feel.
"And then later I put it back in my jean pocket when they forced me to take it off."
My eyes widened and my mouth dropped in surprise.
The ear piercing screech of the intercom filled the room followed with dark's voice. "Put it away Felix." He said astonishingly calm. He must be in a good mood, I thought. "Shit." Felix whispered. "The guards are gonna be in here at any minute." He shook his head at his own stupidity.
We heard the squeaky door open and all of our heads swung to look at it. Well... everyone but Felix's. He kept his head down focused on his lap.
The guards rushed in and towards Felix.
Two guards went up to Felix and the others watched us so that we didn't do anything stupid.
Felix still didn't look up at the guards. He knew they were there, and he didn't give a damn.
One of the guards bent down and grabbed his phone out of his limp hand. As he grabbed it, you could see Felix's hand rise up with the phone, and drop when the phone slipped through his fingers.
As all of this was going on not once did he look up. He was like an old rag doll in the hands of a killer. Beaten up and broken.
Just as the guards began to leave, I call out for at least one of them. They all turned around, and one of them said, "oh, what do you want." "Can I talk to Anti?" He rolled his eyes and responded with, "maybe, it depends on what he's doing." They turned back around and walked out the door. Just before he door was closed I said, "thank you." And the door closed.

Ten o'clock rolled by and I still hadn't heard from Anti, and Felix still hadn't moved. "Hey don't beat yourself up about it. We all make mistakes." He moved his head slightly to the right and laid down. But said nothing. "Hey at least he moved." I joked to the others.
I heard the door and jumped with excitement. Mark was going to be back.
When the door opened completely and I saw Anti, and only Anti, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces.
I stood up to be eye level with him when I talked to him. I could barley even stand because my legs were so wobbly.
Anti walked over to me with his head down. I was afraid to even hear what he had to say.
He got on line with me and rose his head to be met with mine. "I have some good, and some bad news." "Oh god," I said, "what's wrong?" "Well we took him to the hospital upon further inspection of what happened. He has amnesia and now just gained a bipolar disorder."
Oh god what have I done? I question myself. I don't have control over my body anymore. One hand is put on my stomach and the other over my, now open, mouth. My knees bend and I stumble backwards, ending up with me falling to the ground. I look up at him and asked, "How is this the good news?" He drops his head and huffs.
He sits down next to me and said, "the next time you see him he might not be the same person you used to know..." "What does that mean!?" I interrupt. "Oh means that he might not act like the same Mark you know. Such as talking to himself much more often than he naturally does. And arguing with himself out loud not knowing what he's saying or what he's talking about. One thing that also happened because of this new found disorder is two different colored eyes. Which had never happened before, so they're going to keep him for some more time."
Suddenly I feel sick and feel the need to puke. Anti lunges back, which was strange because I didn't give any reaction to how I felt. My right eye, the one with the eye patch, began to hurt. And my left eye had a small sharp pain in its bottom right corner. I also get a headache. "Good!" I yelled. My voice seemed a lot more deep than usual. Deeper than Dark's probably.
Then out of nowhere all the pain and sickness go away. I began to lose consensus. And the last thought I think of before I'm completely out was, what's going on? Then, blackness.

Felix's POV:

When Jack yelled I had awoken from my dream about me and Marzia's anniversary. Just as I got my bearings, I see jack fall to the ground to the ground limp.
I shot up from lying down. "Anti!" I yell.  He looks up at me from staring at Jack in astonishment. "Yea?" He asked. "What was the last thing you saw before he left from his state?" "Uh... the corner of his left eye was black, bit I couldn't see his right eye because of the patch. His hair stood up on end, one eye turned to a green color like mine. His voice was strangely deep, but not like a human's would be, and it was most likely deeper than Dark's really. His fingernails turned black, and his clothes changed for a quick minute, too. It was nothing like I've seen before. Even in Dark's maddest state, he never acted or looked like that before." My mouth dropped what happened to him? I thought.

I crawled towards him and told him, "lift up his eye patch and look at the eye." He walked over of his side and lifted the eye patch. "His eye is closed." He said. "Just open it." Taking his skinny thumb, he opened up his eyelid. 

He flew back probably about two to three feet away from him. "What!? Whatwhatwhat? What's wrong? What did you see?" He lifted his extremely shaky finger, and pointed at him. "H-His eye... i-it's completely black. Like his eye is just one whole pupil." "Oh my God... the last time me and Mark checked his eye it was turning black from the outside in." "You do know what this means? Don't you?" He asked me. "N-No." I said afraid to hear what he was going to say. "He's turning into a demon. It's what me and Dark would have become but we didn't progress that far. We're only evil entities. It pissed Dark off so much. That's why he's always so mad. Ever since we got cut off our tracks, he's been trying to go back to hell to talk to Satin again." "What happens if he turns into a demon?" I asked him. "He goes down to hell to be assigned someone to torment." "How can we stop it?" "You have to get him to eat someone's flesh." He told me very slowly. My eyes widen, "what!" I said in a whisper yell.

(Did you catch the Tokyo Ghoul reference? Also sorry for not updating sooner. I know it's been a long time.)

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