A Mix Of A Mind

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Felix's POV:

We sat in that Dammed cell for at least two hours til Sean finally woke up. When he woke up he started screaming, "Dark no! What the fuck! Shit!" And jumped awake.
He looked around the room at everyone that was looking at him. He rubbed his head in confusion, "what happened?" I looked up at Anti wondering of I should tell him, but I didn't have to.
Anti walked over to him and unchained him saying, "you're starting to turn into on of us, a demon." The metal handcuffs fell to the floor with a painful sound. Anti look at Sean dead in his haunting eyes and said, "we need to take you to a hell hospital." "Hell hospital? What the fuck's that?" He asked him. "Well obviously humans won't know what to do with you, so me or someone else, like one of the guards, will take you. Oh, and don't worry, I won't let Dark take you." "Okay, good." Sean laughed.
Anti curled his buff arms around him and walked out the door. We all stayed quiet to hear what the were saying. "Dark," Anti pleaded, " we need to take him to the Langspore hospital, he's starting to turn  into a demon." "Well how would you know," Dark's muffled voice bounced and echoed through the small room. "Well I was t'e one in t'e room when he yelled and passed out, sir." "Like a child in adolescence," Dark mumbled, "He's at the stage where we stopped growing and they became so happy. This means we still have a chance to save him." There was a slight pause between them. "I can take him. I need to make a quick stop at my place anyways." Dark said. There was a sudden, loud crash which I can only imagine was Jack falling onto the floor. "Oh, nononononononono, you can't!" "And why can't I?" "He uh... kinda freaks out when he's around, let alone being alone with you."  "Well too bad."

Dark said one last inaudible thing that I couldn't understand followed by a deep yell, but it wasn't Dark... no... this was too high pitched, this had to have been Anti. Then I heard another distant scream slowly slowly fade away as Dark took Jack out of the room where I couldn't hear him.

Jack's POV:

Petrified, is how I felt as Dark dragged me thru his office by my shirt collar.

Then I felt a warm, soft hand grab my forearm gently and lightly tug me back into his arms. He wrapped his arms around my chest and held me so close to him that I could have sworn I felt his heart beating. I looked up, it was one of the guards, but he took his mask off... it was Killian. My eyes widened, I knew had saw him and it wasn't my imagination. "I'll take him, sir. I think he trust me the most." I rolled my eyes and mumbled under my breath, "we'll see about that." Dark darted around and looked at me and smirked. But this smirk was such an unsettling smirk that I actually shivered a little bit. Killian squeezed me like a scared child after a nightmare. "Are you sure about that," Dark said looking back up at him.

Killian began to scratch my arm like he always does whenever he's nervous. "Ow," I screeched when he accidentally scratched one of my scars. "Oh, come now," Dark began, kneeling down and reaching out to me, "You're hurting the poor thing." Killian grabbed a hold of my left hand and spun me around to his back as if we were dancing. I peered out from around his back, Dark stood up and took a big step toward us. "Don't play games with me Killian... do we have to go through this again?" Killian dropped his head and said, "no, sir." "Good, now give me the child," he said putting his hand out for mine.

Killian's grip squeezed so hard that I thought that he was going to break my hand. And just like that he rage filled him rapidly. He threw his head up and said, "no, I mean no you can't have Sean."

Dark's face went from flustered strait to furious. "Hey guys," he called out, "we've got another one." Then all at once , the rest of the guards rushed in, "get the kid first though." "yes, sir," they said simultaneously.

Again, Killian swung me in front of him, but this time he pick me up like a baby and ran down a strange hallway that I've never see before. There was a door at end of the hallway.

Then, just as fast as I pick picked up, I was dropped and slid so far that I thought that I wasn't going to stop. But instead I hit the door. My vision was blurry from the ruff fall, but I was able to watch Killian be dragged by his feet back to the hallway that Anti was also carried.

Dark watched as this happened. We Killian was out of sight he turned back to me and reached out an oddly loving hand. Untrusting, I grabbed it and as I did I melted in his grasp. He pulled me up very gently and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. It's strange to say but, it felt like I was wrapped in a warm blanket that just came out of the nice and warm drier.

We walked quietly to the other end of the 'house', if you can even call it that, and to an elevator just past his office. We stepped in and he pushed a button labeled "down down". I think I know what that means, I thought.

The elevator shook and shifted as when continued down, and down, and down. "So, do you like you guy's room," he said stepping a little bit back from me. I looked up at him and said, "oh... you know, we could use some better beds." What am I doing, I thought, I'm talking to Darkiplier himself, and I'm not terrified, I'm actually talking to him like a long time friend. "Oh, well I guess I'll have to just stop by the store then, huh?"

The doors clicked open and we walked out. Other than the red sky, the place looked oddly like the surface. "Hey," Dark said nudging my arm, "what you you say if I would let you use my old room?" "Oh hell yeah!" Dark stepped in front of me, stopping me in my tracks, and put a soft, sweet finger on my mouth. "But you have to promise me something." I crossed my long arms and said, "depends on what the promise is." "Oh, no, no,no," he laughed, "it is really quite simple." He paused and I raised an eyebrow. "All you've got to be is just a good boy for me," he laughed again, "see? I told you that it wasn't hard, now don't get your head all twisted up, that's for game night!"

Dark was practically jumping with joy by this point. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "eh, sure, why not?" "Oh, goody, goody," he clapped, "now come on, I guess we have to he you to Lanspore." He rolled his eyes and paused, he turned to me so that he was directly in my face. He stared into my eyes devilishly, "you know what," he said, his face getting sterner with every word he said. But then suddenly he lightened up and pushed me out in front of me and we  began to walk again, "I like you like this, you should really lighten up honesty." "Haha," I laughed awkwardly, "yeah." Smiled unsettlingly.

We walk for a couple of more minutes before we rounded a corner in a town. The building in front of us said 'Langspore Hospital'. Oh, finally. Thank God. I thought.

We walked through the double, glass doors and immediately the smell of death flushed through my sinuses. I began to cough my guts out on the spot. Dark yanked me up from bending over and dying, and walked us to the counter.

You could tell that the people here were all full demons. They had a grayish skin tone, horns, pitch black eyes, and fangs. "Oh, an over worlder, Dark," the lady at the front desk said, "what brings this little cutie here?" Her long fingernails scratched my chin. "His name's Sean McLoughlin, and he's turning into a demon." Dark shoved a green sweater into my chest ruffly and said, "here put this on, it's cold in here." "No it--" I was stopped in my tracks by a massive shoe slamming on my foot.

I put the ugly sweater on as Dark and the lady continued talking. "What stage is he at," she asked. "Adolescence." "Oh," she said happily, "well we should be able to fix him right up. Go sit over there, hon." She pointed to the closest chair to her and ruffed my hair as I walked away. "Oh, and make sure he doesn't leave," Dark said with a wink. "Okay! Gottcha." And with that Dark left.

When he reached  the door he gave me a lovely smile and said, "don't forget the promise, okay?" I nodded, and with that he raced down the street in the east direction.

(Oml it's been such a long time! I'm so happy that I was able to get back with this. And if you were wondering, the reason I havn't been posting is because I joined track, an dafter track I have to do homework so... I don't really have time for anything anymore. So..... I'm sorry for how long you guys have been waiting this chapter to come out. I'll try t post more, but then again that is what I said last time. :P)

Rustling in The Dark (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye X Markiplier X Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now