What Did You Do

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I woke up strangely comfortable. This was strange because even if Dark had put the mattresses in the room with us it would have still been cold as fuck.

I opened my eyes. Yellow, orange light spilled into the room. I looked to my left, there was a window with orange curtains. The window was open but the screen was still closed. The cool breeze pushed the curtains back into the room. There was a dark brown wooden door to my right, it was locked obviously.

I sat up and noticed the king sized bed with orange bed sheets. He really likes his orange doesn't he, I thought. There were side tables with yellow lamps on them. There was also a dresser directly opposite the bed with about a 50 inch flat screen above it.

Wait, I thought, somethings off. I looked around the room. "No chains," said a voice to my right. I looked over at him. It was Dark with a tray of eggs, toast, a fork, and butter.

He came over with a glint in his eyes and sat down on the edge of the bed, bringing the memory foam down and forcing me to lean toward him. I scooted back against the headboard behind me. Dark put the tray on my lap and said, "hope you're not allergic." "Neither do I."

I took a double take at the food. Two tiny little white things sat on the the tray with everything else. I stared at them and back up at Dark. "Your pills," he told me. "Oh," I said with a nod of a head. "Alright," he said standing up, "I think Imma be on my way." I smiled as he ruffed my hair and walked out of the room.I finished eating and turned on the t.v.

3rd person POV:

Jack was just finishing a episode of a t.v show when he heard a little knock come from the window. He swung his head around and saw that it was Mark.
Silently, Jack got put of bed and tip-toed over to the window when Mark was standing. "What are you doing here," he asked threw the screen.
Mark flung a finger in front his lips and hushed him. "Shh, I escaped the hospital. Dark doesn't know."

"What! Why?"

"Because I felt like I was held prisoner. For fucks sake, they had the door to the hallway locked. I've never been in a hospital that locked their door. And I was gonna call you but Dark took the battery out of my phone."

"Well I'm not gonna let you just stand out there in the cold and freeze," Jack said opening up the screen. "Come on."

Mark climbed into the window, his flannel flowing behind him as if wanting to stay outside. "Thanks," he said.

Jack closed the screen and whispered, "no problem."

Jack walked around Mark and sat down as Mark scanned the room. "So, why are you in Dark's room?"

"I don't exactly know, I only know that Dark has gotten really 'attached' to me," Jack said making air quotes.

"What are those," Mark asked pointing to an orange pill jar.

"Pills, why?"

Mark picked them up and read the label. "Why didn't I know about this?"

"You did know about it."

Mark threw the pill bottle behind him, the orange container hit the wall and shattered sending pills everywhere just as Jack remembered Mark's condition. "Like hell I did," he yelled.

Jack shot up from the bed he was previously, "Mark! What the hell, man!" Jack yelled back at him. Jack noticed a knife to his left and shot a quick glance at it. Mark had noticed the eye motion, and within a minutes notice they were pushed each other with their sides fighting for the knife on the end table.

Mark managed to get the knife from the table, shoving Jack aside. Jack back up and stared at Mark with silence. Then all of a sudden rammed Mark into the wall with a loud raddle of the 'house'.

Rustling in The Dark (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye X Markiplier X Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now