A Doctors Visit

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Mark's POV:

I woke up alone in a locked hospital room. I had such a bad migraine that I thought that my head was gonna explode.
I sat up and held my head in pain. I was a little bit hungry so I rang the phone. "Yes hello, I'm Mark Fischbach and I would like chicken strips, please," I said when some one pick up the phone. "Okay, sir. That will be up to your room ASAP." "Okay, thank you, and no rush, take your time," and hung up the phone.
I leaned back into the bed and lost myself in my thoughts. So... how many times have I been in a hospital now? I thought. I wonder where Jack and Anti are right now. My eyes widened at the sudden realization that I remember where they were. Where Marzia, Felix, P.J, Emma, Sean, and Anti were.
I shot back up, "I need to get out of here now!" I whisper screamed. Then a nurse walked in the room with a tray. "Hello Mr. Fischbach," she said, "what has you all up in a stir?" Quick, quick, quick, I thought, I need to act like I'm perfectly fine so I can leave. I smiled and said, "oh nothing ma'am. Just... wondering." "Oh really?! What we're you wondering about," she asked placing the tray on a table beside me. Fuck! "Um... you know... just... why humans are here." Where in the hell did that come from? I thought making a weird face. "Oh, I see, you're on of those deep thinkers. My sister was like that, too." "Oh, well, where's your sister at?" She pointed toward the ceiling, "I'm hoping up there." "Oh... I-I'm sorry, I've lost someone close to me, too," I said thinking about my dad.

It was quiet for a minute while she starred into my eyes, analyzing me. I smiled awkwardly and tried to avoid eye contact with her as much as possible.  "Alright, I'll be on my way now, the doctor will be in here in about a half hour to check on you and give you your medicine." "Okay, thank you," I said, beginning to eat.

When she closed the door I threw the tray back on the table, knocking the food everywhere. I threw myself out of the bed, in the hospital gown, and began searching the room for exits. The door was locked, and so where the windows. There was nothing in the bathroom except for a bobby pin. "Shit," I said agitated. I ran out of the room and looked through my stuff, nothing but close. The doctors desk had nothing on it either. "Damn," I said. I flopped backward and fell onto the bed and threw the back of my hand on my forehead. I laid there for about 20 minutes thinking. Duh, I thought. I grabbed my clothes and put them on instead of the nasty gown I was given. I grabbed the bobby pin and ran out into the other room. I ran up to the window and unlocked it. The doorknob of the room began jiggling as someone try to, also, unlock it. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, I thought. Both the window and the door unlocked at the same time. I pushed the window open as hard as humanly possible. Immediately I jumped out the window and landed the roof half a story down as I heard someone walk into the room.

I ran to the latter on the other side of the building. Rushing down it, I pulled out my phone. I tried to turn it on but it wouldn't. I held the power button thinking it was just dead. It didn't do anything. I opened the back when I jumped off the latter and began running back to the forest where my hell awaited. When I opened the back I realized that Dark must have taken the battery. "Clever son of a bitch," I thought aloud.

It's too dangerous to get Amy or Tyler involved with this, I thought, I have to do it on my own.

Jack's POV:

"Sean McLoughlin, someone called." I smiled and stood up. As I walked passed the counter, the lady winked and waved as I left with the other doctor. I walked into a room where she used a machine that matched all my allergies, current and previous medications, ect.. Then she did the normal physical check ups, and asked me a few questions. Then walked out of the room with a paper with all the information and came back within five to ten minutes.

She sat down on her stool and said, "well, I have some good news and some bad news. But this news is mainly how you think about it." "Okay, well what is it?" "Well, the good news is that we can fix you just with some medications." "And the bad news?" "It will take about a month." "Well, that's not so bad!" "See? I told you that it was only how you see it. Now," she handed me a bottle full of pills and said, "You need to take one every 12 hours." "Okay, is there anything else I need to know?" She stood up and walked out of the room as she said, "nope."

I walked out of the building and met Dark by the black pick up truck. "Expected," I mumbled under my breath. I walked up to him and he patted me on the back. "Look," he motioned the the bed of the truck, "I got your guy's new mattresses." I giggled, "hehe, thanks bro," I said. I glanced over at him as I spoke. When I said 'bro' his face froze in either shock or amazement, honestly I couldn't tell. "What," I asked. He laughed, "nothing," he said shaking me against him.

We split up and got into either side of the truck. He started the truck and we began off roading toward another elevator. "Are you sure those mattresses in the back won't fall out," I asked. "I think their fine," he said placing his right hand on top of mine. His hands were cold.

We pulled into the gigantic evevator and exited onto some random road. It was night time. "Now it's just a matter of time of getting back to the house before sunrise and the car cuts out." "Why would it stop?" He looked over at me as we passed another car on the road, "it doesn't run on gas like your cars do." "What does it run on?" "Demonic activity." "So that means as long as a demon's power is around it'll run?" "he," he laughed, "your not as dumb as you look kid."

I began to get tired and passed out only ten minutes after we got out of the elevator.

(Thank you @Briam13 for inspiring me to finish this chapter <3)

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