Another Life Cut Off

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We barged into the captivity room where everyone is trying to escape. I walked up to Emma and yanked the gang out of her mouth. She immediately hacked a loogie at me. "Fuck you," she said roughly. I lunged at her and grabbed her by the throat pinning her to the ground with a thud. Her face turned red as she mustered up the courage to say, "I ain't afraid of you."

"You're gonna."

"I ain't," she said more loudly and firmly.

I lifted her my slightly and slammed her head into the concrete. "Sean!" Felix yelled, that's enough.

I shot up from the ground and got up in his face, slowly walking forward into him. "Do you really wanna test me right now, Felix?" There was silence as Felix scowled at me. I shoved him in to the wall hard. "You gonna answer me," I said more fiercely. "HUH," I'm now screaming at him and there's still silence. I huffed and rolled my tongue around my mouth sarcastically backing down from him lightly. "Alright," I said, the same look on his face.

I snagged him from the back of his shirt like Dark and dragged him into the living room. I Threw him on the coffee table and got three knifes from the drawer. I pushed him into a wall and took two knifes, jabbing them into the palms of his hands, pinning him to wall. He screamed in agony. "Still refusing cooperating princess Peach?"

I plunged the third knife into his side as I then noticed a blue glare on the knife. Daybreak, I thought. He screamed again but this time and yell of, "Fine," came from his mouth.

"Too late," I said pulling the knifes out of his palms. "Its day."  I took him back into the room and chained him into my old set. I turned around and walked back over to Emma, putting her gag back on. "We'll continue this tonight."

Anti's eyes fluttered open to catch sight of me in the corner looking at the sketch book he left out. I turned around and smiled, getting out of the chair and sitting on the edge of the bed with him. "Hey hon, have a nice sleep?"

"Hell yeah," He said stretching, his stretch turned into hug as he was still drowsy from sleep. He pulled me down next to him as he laid down, arms still around me. I smiled and kissed him before he fell back asleep. He smiled back at me. "What's with the extra treatment?"

"Well," I said, "I was hoping that we could go into town today you know, a day for just the two of us."

"You know we can't do that."

"Oh yes we can, I put dark into a deep sleep until tomorrow morning."

"How'd you do that?"

"You're looking at an A+ student in chemistry," I laughed.

"Alright," he said patting my chest and sitting up. "Let's go."

I smiled at him and hugged him. "I didn't think you'd say yes."

We arrived in town and it was the morning rush hour with everyone heading to work and school, some getting home or leaving for a long days travel. I punched Anti and the shoulder and pointed. "Punch bug," I called out.

"What do you mean, punch bug?" Anti asked.

"What, you've never played punch bug," I hollered, perking up in my seat. "Okay," I said, leaning forward so I could see better. "Whenever you see a Volkswagen Beetle you yell punch bug. Everyone in the car then has to touch the ceiling and the last person to put their arms up gets punched. But we only have two people so I guess now it's just the first person to see a buggy." I slouched back in my chair and crossed my arms.

"Like that," Anti asked honking his horn and pointing to a buggy that just cut us off.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Okay," he said shrugging his shoulders and punching me back.

Do it, the voice in my head kicked in again, I tried to ignore it but to no avail.  You're fast enough, nobody will notice. You's be doing good. I heard the same bell, from last time. I looked at Anti and tried to ask for help before the thing over took. He glace at me and took a double take at me. "Woah, Jack, what's going on with you eyes?"

I looked in the side mirror and saw that my eyes had turned a bright green and I could see little clouds swirling, like smoke, in my eyes. "Oh no." I whispered.

"What," Anti said, matching the noise of my voice. I could sense his gaze piercing my back.

I felt a twitch in my arm and tried to stop it from moving, but I couldn't. My hand gripped the door handle and shoved the door open, the wind making it impossible to see from the burning sensation in my eyes. The sound of Anti's cries were muffled.

I jumped out of the car and broke into a fly, I hadn't even noticed the wings until just now. I reached the car and jumped on to the roof of the car. I startled the driver, feeling the car jerk and regain control. Anti's car stopped and not long after the driver of the car that I was on slammed on the breaks.

I flew forward and rolled for what seemed like miles until I stopped. I laid there thinking I was dead until I  heard the crunching of gravel approach me in a sprint. My head jerked up and I hissed at the driver.

A motion, too, fast for even me to feel, pushed me up and at the driver and before I knew it there were horns blaring in my ear and I realized that I had pushed the driver into on coming traffic. His screams were suddenly cut off as he was hit by the on coming charger.

Blood spattered the road as the car came to, another, sudden stop on the side of the road.

I blinked and felt the embodiment of the thing that was over taking me leave. My knees buckled and I fell.

Gravel came crunching toward me again, but from behind. "Jack!" My eyes widened as I completely forgot about Anti for a minute. I stood up and whirled around and gave Anti a big hug. "Oh thank God," he said. "I saw you fall off the car and I didn't know what to think."

I felt my eyes and throat start to burn and I tried to hold my tears back. Pushing him away, I looked at him in the eyes and said, "We need to go, now. The cops will be here any second."

We turned and ran back to the car and sped off and turned at an inter section where we found a parking lot. "There," I said. "Pull in there."

He jerked the wheel and we rolled in the parking lot. "Why," he asked and we got out of the car. There was the distant sound of police sirens.

Looking around, I found a small river just off to the side of the lot. "Toss me the keys and get one of these vehicles hot wired, fast."

"Okay," he said without question, tossing me the keys.

I noticed a metal frame on the fence and ran over and yanked it free. I set it up on the barricade of the river and the lot. Running back to the car, I jumped in and started it, leaving the door open. I drove up to the metal frame and drove the car into the river. "Jack!" I heard. I jumped out of the car just at the right time. "I got it going hurry!"

Throwing the metal frame into the river that the car was drifting down, I ran over to him and jumped in the car. "I don't care where you go, just get us  out of the town on the south side, and do not let any cops see us," I ushered.

We sped out of the parking lot and Anti sighed. "So much for an us day."

Rustling in The Dark (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye X Markiplier X Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now