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He put the knife back on the table and walked out of the room.  Mark stood up and walked over to me. "Jack... are you okay?" He asked. I put my hands on my knees, nodded my head and said "yea, I-I think so." There was a cough in the room. I looked up and scanned the room. It was Emma. Jelly looked over at her. "No, no I-I'm fine." She said sticking her hand out at him.

"Hey." I said. They just looked up at me. They looked tormented. "Are you okay?" I asked. Emma looked down, shook her head and said "isn't that what everyone wants?" She huffed a laugh, looked up and continued. "To be okay? But that's just not how it works. You can't just be fine all the time." "Oh Emma." I said walking towards her. I was pulled back and fell to the ground. I had forgotten that I was restrained. She pulled her black and white striped sleeve down and showed her forearm to us. "That bitch sicked a Rottweiler on me." There was a cut on her arm that was at least a inch and a half deep. I pulled my torso back and took  in a deep breath. Mark put a hand out in front of his eyes so that he couldn't see her arm. There was blood running down her arm, all over her sleeve, and the blood dripped on the ground. She put her sleeve back over the cut and leaned her head against the wall. her left foot on the ground, one bent with her right arm resting on it, her bitten arm sat next to her like a doll.

We all found a comfortable way to sit, or lay and we all rested for a bit.


There was beep by the door. I sat up and looked over at the door. There was a green light on, on a keypad next to the door. There was a bang on the door and I flinched. The door opened and six men along with Dark were in the doorway. Dark banged on the stone wall with a metal rod and yelled "wake up princesses! Time to eat." He typed in a code on another keypad on the wall and our restraints unlocked and fell to the ground off of our wrists. He pointed into the room where we were "go." He said. The six men jogged into the room and each one of them grabbed a different person. They took us by our forearms and yanked us hard enough to stand us up without us even moving a muscle.

They took our arms and put them behind our backs and held them there  instead of handcuffing us, but I couldn't complain. I hated being chained up. They walked us out of the room and into a blood stained kitchen. I didn't even want to know what had happened there before.

We were sat down into chairs and were given some sandwiches. "Now." Dark said. "You better eat up, 'cause that's all you're getting." His voice went from a slightly happy voice to a depressed voice. The men behind us let go of our arms and allowed us to eat.

They watched us eat which made me kind of uncomfortable. I never liked people looking directly at me while I eat. It stayed quiet as we ate which made it all the more awkward.

We finished eating and were escorted out of the room. We walked passed the room where we were and I started to wonder where we were going. But I wasn't going to ask. We walked through what seemed to be a office. There was a microphone which I could only assume was the microphone that connected to the intercom inside the seeming prison sell. I looked to my right and saw a room with an opened door. It looked just like our room but it was completely covered in blood. I hunched over and came a little bit too close to puking. I was shoved forward by my 'care taker'  and was told "that's non of your business, just keep walking." I wanted so hard to kick him in the balls and run.

We were shoved into a room. That just seemed to be pure red in blood. I backed up in fear only to run into the guard behind me. Again being kicked forward and into the room. Dark pulled out a pistol and walked end to end of our 'line' speaking to us. "Now you will listen to me!" He yelled. "You will follow the orders you, or you will be shot! The choice is yours! This!" He shot a bullet into the holey roof and continued. "Is a .500 Smith and Wesson Magnum which is frankly the most powerful gun in the world, (True fact) and I wouldn't advise getting shot by it. Now!" He pointed toward one of the machines in the room. "Please get in a strait single file line."

We all looked at each other and hesitated. Dark shot a bullet in the ground next to our feet, we all filched. "What did I just say!" He screamed at us. We were all nervous and scared but some how we were able to move enough to get to the machine. I had a million knots in my stomach, I was for sure that I was going to puke.

Mark was up first. He quivered in fear. "No, no,no,no,no,no!" I whispered to myself putting my hands on the back of my head locking my fingers. Felix hugged me. "It's going to be okay... he's going to be okay. We're all going to be fine. We'll all get out of here eventually." "Eventually isn't fast enough!" I said to him.

I heard Mark's sobbing as he stood on the platform with the knife throwing machine in front of him. Dark walked up the steps and stood in front of Mark. He put his right index finger over his lips. "Hush now don't say anything bad. You're only going to make yourself even more nervous than you already are. And you're also going to make me get my hopes up." He patted him on the shoulder and gave him a devious smile. 

He jumped down off of the platform, snapped, pointed at him and said "do it." One of the six men walked up the stairs blindfolded, muzzled, and handcuffed him so that he couldn't escape. One other stepped up to the knife throwing machine.

Mark swung himself flinging himself all over the place. Dark pulled the gun up and lined a shot with Mark's knee. "No!" I screamed. He turned at the speed of light and pointed the gun at me. "Are you telling me what to do?" He said in an almost British accent. I picked the dumb choice and flipped him off. "genolls." He said to the four other men. Two of them ran over to me. I feared of what they were going to do. One of them kicked the back of my knee caps which 'caused me to fall to the ground, and the other one held me to the ground so I could not move.

(I'm so happy for the next chapter to come out, so much is going to happen. Coo-toes to whoever saw and understood all of the references. Oh and by the way 'genolls' means 'knees' in catalan.)

Rustling in The Dark (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye X Markiplier X Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now