This Hole Soon To Be

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I dashed into my room and grabbed the small brown bottle and trickled some of the liquid into a clear plastic bottle full of water.  I shook it up a bit as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed 3 more full plastic bottles. I headed toward the door where everyone else was held captive.

I twisted the knob and the loud, creaky door opened. I woke up everybody, Felix jumped slightly then gasped. "Jack," he whispered excitedly. "How'd you get in here?"

"The door is unlocked on the other side so it wasn't that hard to open."

"And where's Dark?"

"He's on a walk, don't worry," I tossed him the water bottle that I shook up to him and smiled. "I don't imagine they've been giving you much water have they?"

"No, not really," PJ said picking up the bottle. "Thanks."

"No problem, bro."

Felix tipped his head back and took a big swig of water. I smiled  wider. "It kinda taste funny," he said.

"Well it is bottled water so I can't really fix that now can I," I said crossing my arms.

He looked down, "No, I suppose not."

"Alright, well I'm gonna go, Anti's asleep in the other room and Dark could be back at any minute."

"Okay," Marzia said. "Nice to see you though."

I smiled and turned back to her. "You too," then I closed the door.

I then walked over to Anti, picked him up, and left the house. I walked to the back of the house and continued for a bit. The cold night air giving a hint of winter nearing. The birds stayed quiet thru the night as we walked closer to the highway. The highway was busy tonight. Every couple minutes I heard a group of cars drive by, some of them booming their stereos.

We finally reached the small room in the middle of the forest where Anti slept, I reached into his pocket and took his key out, unlocking the door. I walked in and laid him on his bed, when I turned to walk out of the room and noticed the drawings on the walls and the sketch pad. I didn't know he could draw! It's cute.

When I got back to the house and walked into the area everyone was. As I looked around I saw that everyone had been gagged except for Felix. He wasn't even in his chains, they were off the wall, I turned my gaze and saw him in the middle of the room smiling at me, I smiled back and looked at his bonds. "How'd you get out of your chains?"

"I took my watch off and unscrewed the chains from the wall, which detracted them from the sensors placed behind the stone. The cord is attached to the panel over there by the door, which controls when to let the chains go, so when it's detached it turns them off, setting me free."

"Nice going man, now come here, I need your help with something," I turned and Felix followed me out of the room. Closing the door, I could hear everyone's crying being muffled behind the door.

We walked out into the cold forest and arrived at Mark's grave. "What are we doing here," he asked.

I walked behind a tree and grabbed two shovels. "Help me dig this up," I said tossing him a shovel.

"What's under there?"

"You'll find out." We began to dig into the hard soil until we was a pale yellow hand.

"Is that a hand?"

"Yeppery, don't stop, we need the whole body uncovered."


I looked back at him, silently, and grinned a sharp teethed grin and said, "'patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet'."

Something flashed his cold blue eyes, it made me feel warm inside. "Then I shall sit and watch as the fruit grows and as it falls, I shall taste its sugar sweetness."

"That'a boy!" I seen a large dark figure behind the trees. "Who's there," I call out, I feel the wings flutter out in alertness. A pair of green eyes low to the ground shine bright. Then I see a small gray thing lung at me and tackle me to the ground. I know who it is and we roll around on the ground. When we stop there's a small wolf pup sitting in front me. The small pup quickly turns into a small five year old boy sitting like a animal in front of me. We stand up and my wings fall and I ask, "Where's your dad, I just had and idea."

The boy turns around toward the forest where he just came from and howls a high pitched howl. Not soon after I hear the crunching of leafs and a large gray wolf jumps out of the bushes, his mouth covered in blood and flesh from its last meal. "Lucas," he hollers in a light Irish accent similar to my own, he turns to us. "Oh, thank God," he said walking over to us and changing in to a tall blonde hair man, resembling the little boy. "What are you doing out here, you should be with the pack." And almost on cue a group of wolves of all shapes and sizes emerge from the wood, all of their mouths the same, red and bloody.

"I'm sorry, I just saw Uncle Sean and wanted to say hi." His head dropped, his long blonde hair covering his face in shame.

Issac bent down on one knee to match boy's height, "That's alright," he said. "We'll work on it, I'm just glad you're okay." Luke looked up as Issac stood back up, ruffling his hair with a leather gloved hand only showing half of his fingers. "My brother," he said hugging me. "Where have you been?"

"Ireland, I moved not that long ago, I tried to call you."

"There's no service out here if you haven't noticed," He cocked his hip and folded his arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, about that," I said nervously laughing. I had always been afraid of my brother, even now, as adults. "Listen," I continued. "I need your guys help to dig up the rest of this hole."

Now back into a wolf, he spoke, "not a problem." He gave out a short, low bark and the whole pack dove into the hole in the ground.

I backed up to Felix who looked confused. "I didn't know you had another brother," he whispered into my ear.

"We've been brothers since I was born," I said giving him a stupid gaze.

Lucas came running up to us as a pup and leaped into my arms like an excited dog. "Hi!" He yipped. "Who are you?" His head tilted slightly to the side, his perked ears drooping slightly.

Felix flushed, turning red all over. I giggled at him, "That's Felix."

"Hi! I'm Lucas," I said holding out a paw.

"Hi," he said hesitantly, grabbing the pup's paw, the shook hands.

"I heard about you, I didn't know you'd be this pretty."

Felix's eyes widened, his lips parted, and all the color drained out of him. "All done," Issac said coming back to save Felix from saying anything else.

I put Luke down to him and walked over to the hole, all the wolves breaking apart the make a path. "Is that?" Felix said faintly.

Mark's lips were now gone and so had his eyelids, his thinnest skin already gone. You could see the cracking in his yellow teeth and his brown eyes and pupils had gone, now being a yellowish tint on them. His nose was very defined, some parts even showing bone on the thinnest part of the skin, his eyes were sunken in and you could find cracks on his skin. And the smell was the worse, it smelled as if meat had been left out in the heat for months. "Consider yourself lucky that you can still tell that it's him."

Rustling in The Dark (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye X Markiplier X Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now