What Is This Place

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Anti and Dark stood in the bathroom together looking at Dark's slowing fading pitch black eyes, with the door open. "Am I going to be okay," Dark asked Anti.

"Here look at me again," Anti said lightly touching Dark's chin, to the point where it tickled, and turning his head towards him. Anti inched his face closer to Dark's and squinted into his eyes. "Um, possibly, you can see your iris--"

"What! You can," Dark yell yanking out of Anti's grip and examining it again.

Anti lightly grabbed Dark's chin again and had him face him again. "You didn't let me finish. I was gonna say that you can see your iris, but not much of it. It's not as bad as it seems." Anti ran his hands down Dark's short figure, and set his hands on his shoulders. "We'll sleep on it, and then in the morning we'll see how it's doing."

Dark looked up at the tower figure and said, "yea..." Dark wiped his eyes off tears and continued. "Yea, I guess so."

Anti pulled Dark into a hug, his red stained, black hoodie cover the space between them, and said into his ear, "you'll be okay."

Jack's POV:

I hugged Mark's limp body tight against my chest as I cried, staining Mark's red flannel. His short black hair tickled my face as I rocked him in my arms. My hands balled into fists, grabbing both shirts that covered Mark's back. Dark finally broke my mind, and now I break him in return. I squeezed my eyes and fist to the point where when I reopen my eyes it was blurry, and my knuckles were white. "Dark will pay for what he's done to you Mark," I whispered into Mark's, forever broken, ear. "I swear." I gripped his shirts even tighter and tor eight holes into the shirts.

"Oh my God," said a muffled whisper from behind me. I jumped off of Mark and landed on my butt just to the side of Mark as he limply hit floor. It was Felix. He walked over and knelt down next to Mark and hesitantly picked his lifeless body up into his arms. Felix started to shake, his lip quivering. "W-what the hell happened," he said, his voice shaking.

I took a breath to speak but as if my voice triggered a nerve, I blacked out instead of speaking.

Sometime later I woke up in an unfamiliar room. There was a constant creaking coming from the house as if it were breathing. And I knew it wasn't the house setting. Something was unsettling about the building. It felt as if the shadows were moving. There as a draft coming from the window to my left.

I looked over at the window and swear I was something duck down when I looked at it, as if it were trying to hide from me. I stood up and thought I  saw the pictures on the walls become demented from a second.

There was a note on the wooden door. I walked up to it, it read, 'You have til morning, try not to die. Not that it would matter to me, you'd just be another playmate!' The writing was so sloppy that you almost couldn't read it.

I placed my ear on the door and outside the door sounded like moans like a zombie would make. These moans echoed on for ages and ages, for a moment I thought they wouldn't stop. A sudden bang came from the door and sent me flying backward.

I landed on my butt and glanced under the bed as I stood back up. Underneath the bed was a big black obis. Another loud bang from the door, seeming to bend the door inward. I decided to stay quiet and noped my way back onto the bed.

There was a bang at the window, too, but when I looked over at it, there was nothing there. 

I sat alone on the bed with the door constantly being banged by something on the other side. "Hey," came a whispering voice on the other side. "Are you in there? There coming for me!" he began banging on the door once more. I ignored it, something told me that it wasn't human, it was too strong, and tried to stay there until morning. "Please," he pleaded, "they're coming for me!"

It's all in my head, I told myself, none of it's real. It's like a cold, it's here, and then it's got in a snap. "Ow, fuck," I whispered as a sharp pain shot threw my hand. I looked down at my hand and noticed that my hand was bigger than usual. Then I noticed that me myself was bigger than I usually was. What the fuck, I wondered.

Another thing that I noticed was that I 

wasn't breathing, I hadn't been breathing the whole time, and I felt fine, like I hadn't needed to breath. My skin appeared to be a light blue color and I felt cold. Almost colder than the draft in the house.

All of a sudden it was like I wasn't in control of my body. I stood up and walked over to the door and unlocked the door. I swung the door open and found no one standing outside. I peer my head out around the door and saw that the hallway was filled with children.

I walked back into the room and open a drawer and pulled out a knife that I didn't know was there, but my body did for some reason. I picked it up and walked out into the hallway and walked threw the children.

The kids began whispering things. I heard one say 'He's scaring me'.

I turned around and said, "I'm sorry, I can't help it!" It was weird that I was in control of my voice, but not my body. Then all of a sudden something shot threw me it my voice was taken over, too. "You should be scared," it yelled back at the child.

Then I blinked and woke up in the same room. In the same house, nothing had changed except the door wasn't being banged anymore. I stood up and [aced around the room trying to figure out what was going on. A bit of wind made a whistling noise outside, which made me jump.

I felt like a different person, and I hated it, what the fuck was going on anyways.

I found a mirror on the wall and decided to see if anything physically had changed. And sure enough my eyes were 100% pitch black now, there was blood smeared on my face some how, and I smelled oddly of pig for some reason.

Then the situation began again, my face turned black in the mirror and I walked over to the drawer and pulled the knife out. I walked outside and threw the hallway of kids, having my voice for a second, having it stolen from me, and then waking up.

 Something was speaking to me in my head this time. Something echoing back to me saying, "You should have done it. You should have killed Dark right then and there. You should have killed those kids."

"I know," I whispered back softly, me voice echoing threw the stone room.

Again, the situation repeated. Grabbing the knife hearing the kid, and yelling at him or her. But this time when I blinked it just repeated me walking threw the hallway yelling at the kid again.

I blinked and woke up back in Dark's room. Back in reality. Back on planet Earth, finally. I had never been so happy to be back in that mad man's house, ever. But something was off about me. Something unsettling that I didn't know what. That, is what scared me the most.

(Nothing to say about this chapter... ._.)

Rustling in The Dark (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye X Markiplier X Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now