Alone Once Again

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I looked at the clock on the bed side table. 8:00 o'clock. There was a knock on the door frame and a silhouette  standing in the doorway. The figure was a dark shade of black  with the sun peering out from behind it's back. Just by their body set I could tell that it was Anti.

"Hey, Jack," he said stepping in, his figure now visible. He was wearing a purple half cut shirt that showed his abs, and purple, three quarter, leather jacket with many buckles on it, black jeans and gray belt, and black shoes. "So, we have Mark and we wanted to let you be there when we um..." he paused for a moment, "bury... him." There was a certain tenseness in his tone. He threw a square of neatly folded cloth on the bed near my feet. "And we ah, brought you some fresh clothing."

 I set myself up on my elbows and looked at Anti with a certain glare. "Why'd you wait up for me?"

"Well we figured since you guys were such good friends that you might want to, you know, be there... when he goes," he seemed hesitant with his words.

I flipped over in the bed so my back was facing Anti, I wanted to hide my smile with a possible jerk of a tear that might come across my face. "Sure... just... let me get dressed. I'll be out in a minute."

"Okay," he said as the pitter-patter of his feet left the room. He closed the door with a soft click.

I stood up and but the blue shirt, black, ripped jeans, black sweater, black jacket, black hat, and black shoes for the cold fall month. I walked over and unlocked the door, with my hand in my pocket, and stepped outside.

Dark was wearing a black, furry whiter coat with a fur hood lining, sunglasses, a tight black shirt, and black pants. His once black boots that he was wearing had now turned gray with mud. Anti appeared to be a tower figure over Dark.

I glared at Dark and looked at Anti, who was holding Mark. His blue and green eyes shinning like diamond reflecting in the moonlight. I looked him up and down, "That's what you're wearing outside in the freezing whether?"

"I don't get cold," he said in a flat tone.


Anti walked over to me, he nearly seemed to be twice my height. He looked down at me and I looked up at him. He pushed Mark towards me. "Do you want him?"

I took a deep breath, trying to hold my tears back. "Yea," I said holding my arms out for Mark. Mark slid into my arms, his dead weight feeling like nothing. I looked down at Mark's dangling head, his hair falling to the floor. I looked back up at  Dark and Anti and said, "Well, we better get going before one of us die, too."

They turned around and we walked past the kitchen and out to the outside. The cold fall air burned my cheeks and froze Mark even more. I tightened my grip around Mark trying to keep him warm, too.

I began to trail behind Dark and Anti as we walked threw the woods, them talking being the only sound other than the wind. Anti's purple jacket flowing behind him like wings of a falcon. I liked being behind them. Not having them fuss over me the entire time. I began to think of Mark and how adorably stupid he had been in the past. How graceful he was. How he never gave up on anything, no matter what or who they were.

I caught up to Dark and Anti, lost in my thoughts. "We're here," Anti when I paused. He was standing in front of a hole in the ground.

I stepped out in front of them closer to the pit. I hesitated but eventually set Mark down in the hole. I took a deep breath and picked up the shovel and started filling in the hole. Dark and Anti were quiet behind me. 

I stopped abruptly and leaned against the shovel, clearly in pain. Anti stepped forward closer to me. "Are you okay," he asked quickly.

I turned my head a glanced at him from the side. "Yea, I think so, it's just my shoulder blades that hurt."

"Oh," he said, "okay, do you want me to take over from a little bit?"

I stepped back and gave a little nod. Anti stepped forward and began filling in the hole. I walked past Dark and sat down a couple trees away, and looked up threw the trees at the blue sky shinning threw the leafs.

Anti finish burying Mark and I finally gained the courage to go back over and look at it. I stood up and shook off any nerves that I had left. I walked over and stumbled over my own feet. Anti caught me by the arms and set me up right again.

I stared at the uneven soil, and Anti put a hand on my shoulder. I tried to hold my tears back as best I could, but water did escape from my eyes anyways. I felt a squeeze around my chest,like a hug, but no one did it. Not Anti, and not Dark either. Another hand was placed on my other shoulder. The skin on the hand almost gray. It was Dark.

Dark and Anti turned me around together and we started walked back towards the house. I glanced back over my shoulder to take one last look at the grave before I left.

We arrived back at the house and I went back into Dark's room and curled myself into a ball in the middle of the bed. Mark was like another voice in my head that let me know what do do and  when to do it. But now... it was quiet. There was no one there to guide me.

Hello, my voice in my own head called out, but it only seemed to echo back to me. Is there anyone there, it called. Because I don't hear anything. I'm alone again, I thought, once more. I don't know what to do anymore. I've lost the world again, and I miss it.

It started to yell and echo louder now, like it was standing on a cliff yelling out into a canyon. Mark! It yelled. Mark, where are you!

I close my eyes and try to block it out, trying to pretend nothing happened yesterday, and nothing happened now. But... it didn't work. All I can here is the echo of the voice yelling, Mark! Mark, I need you! But nothing responded but the echo of it's own voice bouncing back to it.

I open my eyes and look at my rounded shadow lied out in front of me, and I think that being abandoned here in this room, alone. It's really my only sense of joy and entertainment.

The voice started again, but not as loud now. Mark! Mark, if you hear me, I'll even take a whisper if that's all you can do... please. It pleaded, but nothing responded. Just... silence. Please, Mark, it whispered. Save me, please.  But once more, only the echo of the voice spoke. 

Mark please, don't leave me alone again. I don't want to be alone again. I just want to see you again.  Only the echo... just... the echo. Hello, it said even quieter, trying to call out for him one more time. Is anybody out there?  And just like that, the voice stopped, and did called out to anyone again.

(Yea, I'm running out of this to do in my house, so these might be more frequent.)

Rustling in The Dark (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye X Markiplier X Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now