A New Location

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I still couldn't see anything, but I could hear the sound of the engine running in the car, and the feeling of the car hitting the bumps on the road. It was dead silent, there wasn't even a radio playing. Where are we going, I wonder to myself.

I laid in that car for what seems like years. But the truth was the car only drove for about a half hour from my concept of time. I knew that we were heading away from the city because I would have heard the sound of the cars around us honking.

I felt a nudge on my left arm. I knew it was Mark, he was the only one that was in the back with me. Well, from what I thought. I was able to open my eyes slightly. I hadn't tried that in a while. I looked to left and practically kissed Mark. I pulled back and we silently felt the awkward between us.

Then, the car stopped, we heard the person up front move around, then the car door opened. We both thought fast. We closed our eyes and went back into our original positions as to not have him suspect anything.

Where were we, I thought. The car's left side car door opened, which was my side. My legs dropped to the ground limply. I felt myself being picked up and placed onto the cement road. Then, before I knew it, I passed out, I could only guess that he did it to make sure that we weren't awake. It was a long drive after all.

I don't know what he did with Mark once I passed out.


I had finally woken up, I didn't know how long I was out for though.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a half light room. I was daisy from being asleep. I took a couple seconds and collected my thoughts together. Once I was completely awake I felt something cold wrapped around my wrists. My vision cleared up. I sat up and looked at my hands. There were tightly wrapped handcuffs that covered my wrists.

They had enough chain to walk around in though. But not much. I stood up and looked to my left and right. There was nothing to my left, but to my right, Mark was laying on the ground still asleep. I began to walk over to him, but when I stepped on my foot, I fell back down to the ground.

I groaned from the pain on my hip. I looked down at my leg and my left thy was bleeding. "Ow... shit," I said in pain. I stood back up and limped over to Mark trying not to hurt my leg.

I stood on my good leg and pushed him with my other. He, slowly, awoke. He turned his body toward me and said, "Jack? W-what's going on." "I don't know," I responded to him, "I don't know where we are."

He stood up next to me. He rubbed his eyes in sleepiness when his cuffs touches his cheekbone, "what the hell." He said, his voice was deeper, and scratchier from sleep. "Look at your wrist," I told him. He looked down to only say, "what the fuck, okay this is fucked up." "I know," I responded looking and pulling on the chains.
Before we were able to do anything else, a voice echoed over the room. "Hello boys," if spoke in a deep voice, deeper that Mark's. "I see you found you new accessories. But now don't go fighting over them, they're each your own personal ones." Mark and I both looked at each other with the most confused faces. "I see you're both confused, and I can understand that. But you are both here for test subjects." It rejoined. I could tell Mark got a little cocky just by what he said. "Come down here and show your face, and quit being a bitch!" He yelled. His voice seemed to clear up surprisingly fast. Faster than mine. I grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him down to the ground next to me.

I sat down next to him and tried to talk some sense into him, "Mark!" I spat out to him, "what are you thinking! Are you crazy?" "Even if he does come down here, I can take him." "How do you know that? For all we know he could be armed and dangerous! You didn't see him back in that forest, I did." "We were in a forest?" responded back to me. Oh shit, I thought to myself, he doesn't remember a thing, does he! 

The voice came back over the room once more, "oh really Marimoo?" We both got back up and realized that the voice had been cut out, it quit talking. We spun around the room for a second, then a creaky, rusty door opened up behind us. We both froze and spun around to look at the door. It was the same guy from the forest before. "Are you sure that I'm the one being a bitch?" He said walking towards us. "Yes, I am for certain with that," Mark said to him.

I wanted to face palm at that moment, but I knew that I shouldn't. He passed me and walked strait for Mark. With a look of fear of fear on my face I said, "Mark don't!" But they both seemed to ignore me. "Do you want to fight me like a man?" The man said, his eyes flashing a glow of red like he did back in the forest. "Y-yes I-I do," Mark stuttered. The man in front of him laughed and said, "well if you're going to be a man, you can't stutter like that. It shows weakness."

I looked over at Mark who had a look of pure fear on his face. Why was he going through with this? I questioned myself, and I began to worry about him. What would he say next to set the man in front of him off? "Would you like me to unchain you so that we can fight like real men?" I had already known Mark's immediate answer to that question. He was already going though with it, so why would he back down now? "Yes," he said with the slightest bit of confidence in his voice. At that moment I wanted to tackle him and slap some sense back into his head.

I grabbed him by his shoulders, turned him, and made him look me in the eyes. "Mark! What are you doing? Are you insane?" I yelled at him. "Now now, it's his choice, leave him be," the man said to me. "Mark don't do this," I begged him quietly. A looked of fear and confusion combined on his face. He looked down at the ground as if he wasn't even in control of his own body.

The man walked up to us and slapped me so hard that it knocked me on the ground. "I said this was his choice!" He screamed, staring directly at me, his head twitched once more. But now that he was in light I could tell that he twitched like a laggy game. What was wrong with him? "This is our fight now back off!" He pushed Mark's shoulder still staring at me. But he looked away to undo Mark's restrains. Mark looked down at me on the ground with my hand over my pink face where he hit me. There's some mussel in that boy for sure. With Mark's body shaking, 'cause of the man undoing his cuffs so ruffly, he mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' to me.

I heard the cuffs come undone and drop to the ground, making a very loud noise that echoed through the room. "Are you ready?" He asked Mark with a devious smile on his face. He looked down at me and said, "if you even as much as talk to him, you're both getting it." I had now feared for me and Mark.

(Sorry this one took so long to get out to you guys, I left my phone in my locker over a five day break.)

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