Chapter 12

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As the week passed everything just got worse. This morning my coffee machine broke, the bread machine broke and the darn fridge. Everything in it has spoiled and now I have customers that I have to show away because I don’t have anything to give them except the few things that didn’t spoil.

I send the staff home for the day so I can figure out something to get this all fixed.

Peter was the only one that stayed to help me. He was such a nice assistant as I call him, because I didn’t see him as a waiter but more like my helper assistant/ manager whatever you want to call it. The next moment I slipped and fell in hit a bucket full of flour, it spill all over me making me cough as I get up and walk to the counter still coughing to get the phone and see if I can find someone to fix this.

The same guy from yesterday… you know the one in the elevator, yeah him. He was now standing in front of me laughing…

“You can’t deliver, and wrap a sub … and looks like you can’t bake either.” He said laughing. “What do you want?” I said as my blood boil. “That’s how you handle customers… wow sweetheart you need to learn some manners.” He said raising his eyebrow. “I would rather like to deal with Spencer.” He looked me over again. Tears start to prick my eyes… what else can go wrong today I thought. “She’s not available” is all I could get out and walked into the back again not giving a banana about this guy. The next moment the smoke alarm went off and the stuff on the stove caught fire. I struggled to get the fire out and in came this guy again setting it out and I just cried. Apparently it could get worse.

“Sweetheart you are the meaning of trouble, are you ok?” he said sarcastically and then concerned. “I’m fine.” I said as I sat on the chair behind the counter wiping away the tears. “You should call Spencer, she would want to know what just happened to her shop.” He looked at me, and then the tears just rolled and didn’t stop. Peter came in and looked at the guy and asked “Neil what happened?” (what that’s the guy’s name, now I know to, wait how did peter know Neil… oooh he must be a regular.}

“Hallo to you too Peter, and this woman is the meaning of accidents so rather ask her. Where is Spencer?” he asked.

Peter and I just looked at each other and then Peter realised I couldn’t say a word and he turned to Neil, “Neil, Spencer…uhmm, Spencer she’s… she was in an accident and passed away. Emily here is the new owner and Spencer was her cousin.” As the words left his mouth Neil looked at me all sympathetically. “Emily, I am sorry.” He looked back at Peter, “I should go and good luck getting all this fix.” As he turn around, peter spoke up again.

“Actually Neil, you can help get this all fixed. I’m sure your father will understand.” Peter said as he put Neil into work.

“You really don’t have to help, its fine. I will get someone to sort this all out.” I said as I stood up and get back to looking for someone to get all this fixed.

“Its ok, it’s the least I can do.” He said as he started fixing things.

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