Chapter 23

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Emily PVO

It’s the day of Sam’s birthday and Peter and I decided we will go together seeing as we got the gift together and I don’t want anything to happen with this beautiful cake. As we get to the house I asked Peter to take the cake as I need to talk to Neil alone.

“Hi Danny. Do you know where I can find Neil?” I ask as he is the first person I see. “Yes Ma’am, he is in at the veranda getting the last things ready.” He replied and I thanked him.

When I saw Neil standing there looking over the beautiful garden I know I have to tell him now not a minute later. “Neil, Hi. Um can I talk to you for a second?” I asked nervous but exited. “Hi Emily, ummm now is not a good time as the party is about to start.” He said and looked closed off. “It will only take a second, please.” I begged. He just looked at me for a second and looked away. I am not going to let this slip away again. “Neil, we are good together and I like you…” I said but he cut me off “Emily, we can’t I have a girlfriend.” He said but it was my turn to cut him off. “No you don’t, you never talk about her, and I have never met her. You haven’t even show me a picture of her so no you don’t have a girlfriend…” I was cut off by a woman’s voice….

“I would say that I am more than a girlfriend. Or what would you say honey?” no no no this can’t be… its Suney! “Suney!! But…” I say and Neil eyes is filled with questions about how I knew Suney. “We know each other Honey, I got her job remember. After I sealed the deal with your company.” Suney said. Oh this is just one big nightmare. It has to be. “That’s not how I remember it!” I say angry and walked off not sparing neither Neil nor Suney another glance. My heart just shattered like I never knew it could and it hurts more than with my ex-fiancé,

At the party people were laughing and enjoying themselves and I had to plaster a fake smile on my face, while Suney took every second she could get to kiss Neil… I am such an idiot!

Suney obviously couldn’t handle it that Sam (Remember he his Neil’s father) and I got along so good and that he treated me better than he treated her.

After the happy birthday song Neil’s mother Lexi said a few words. “My dearest Sam, we have been married for 40 years now and even though we had a few rough patches along the road our love just grew stronger… (At this point I had a lump in my thought- I must not cry) and I am so thankful that you are yet spared another year. I know you are getting older and so am I, but I will always keep my promise to you even if you get more wrinkles and blind and grumpy, till death do us part. (Wow what a speech, the perfect love they shared… guess I will forever be alone)
Now I know I am supposed to keep this a secret but as you all know I am bad at keeping secrets so here goes. Neil and Suney come stand next to me.

My Neil and Suney got engaged last night, they don’t have a ring yet but just out of the blue he asked for her hand.” Lexi finished her speech and the whole time with this speech Neil’s eyes was locked with mine and after the announcement I knew I had to leave.

“Sam, I hope you will enjoy the cake and remember you’re the birthday guy so you are aloud an extra piece. I’m heading home as I had a long week so I need to catch up on some rest. So happy birthday and I’ll see you soon,” I say to Sam as I struggle to show my fake smile and tiredness.

“Bye Sweetheart and thank you so much. And just for the record I still don’t like that Suney, I don’t even know what Neil sees in her.” Sam says as he kiss my cheek and hug me tight.

I decided to walk home and as I need to clear my head and not cry my heart out.

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