Chapter 20

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Since the kiss between AJ and me, we started to date and went out almost every day. It was nice to be in a relationship again, especially with a nice guy. Even though it still felt like something is missing I decided to just relax and go with the flow…

“Emy, Phone for you!” Peter shouted from the front of the store. I walked up and smiled at him while taking the phone, seriously don’t know what I would do without him. “Emily, speaking. How may I help you?” I say in a friendly but professional way.

“Emily, my dear. I was hoping that you could come to my office today as I have a matter to handle and only you can help.” Sam said with a fatherly tone. “Sure, when do you want me to come over?” I asked with happiness now in my tone, it’s always nice to hear from Sam as we have become close…like a father almost. “Anytime you can, oh and dear please bring me some of those chocolate brownie cakes with, I can’t get enough of it. I think I am addicted.” He said laughing a little shy at his comment. “Sure Sam, see you in a bit. Bye.” I say and get all the brownie cakes and tell Peter where I am going and that if I am not back by closing time, cause knowing the Hanne men they tend to keep me there a long time, that he should lock up and go home.


“Mr Hanne is expecting me.” I said to the PA. She just looked at me and with a short cold tone she said, “You can go in, he’s waiting.” I just nod and smile at her while thinking, bitch what have I done to you?

Knocking on the door I wait for Sam to answer, I know even though the PA said Sam is waiting for me, it’s still polite to knock before entering.

“Come in.” Sam announced. “Hi Sam, here these are especially just for you.” I said as I place the big cake box filled with brownies on his table. His eyes lit up like a child in a candy shop, it’s really adorable to see. “Thank you Em, I have been craving for them the whole day now. Please sit.” He says with a happy tone.

“How have you been my dear?” he asks just like a father would. “I have been good actually, and you?” I ask back. “Good, good. Now let me cut to the case, thank you for your advice on the matter with Rudy and Suney I have handled it accordingly to your advice and I must say I am impressed with the results.” He says like a really proud father… ok I love my dad but I think I will adopt Sam to be my second dad.

“I’m glad things worked out accordingly. Is there anything you would like me to look at or advice?” I ask. “No, dear nothing new has come up, I just wanted to thank you in person and to get some of these brownies of course.” He laughs making me laugh with him. “But I do need your help, or should I say my wife needs your help. She was wondering if you would be able to make my birthday cake as she has so many things to do and won’t be able to get to it.” Wow. They want me to bake a cake for his birthday when they surely have like a kitchen full of professional bakers, “I would be honoured to bake you a cake, any preferences?” I ask feeling really honoured.

“As long as it’s as tasty as this brownie I don’t mind at all, surprise me. I like surprises” we both laughed at his statement.

Getting back at the shop I look through some of Spencer’s recipes books and I must say that there are a lot of nice recipes I would like to try, but I had to find a real nice one to bake for Sam. It’s his 60th birthday and I don’t want to disappoint him at all. They have become like family.

The birthday is in 2 days I hope I will get the best recipe and not make a huge mess… ok now I am just nervous. Maybe a make out session with AJ will help calm the nerves.

Text message:
Hey baby, want to see you tonight. Will pick you up at 6 and we could get dinner and watch a movie.
Love AJ.

I would rather make out and watch movie at home and eat some pizza but hey, at least we will make out at the movies.

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