Chapter 19

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The door of the shop swings open and the music’s playing and it’s my favourite song. Titanium by David Guegetta. It puts a smile on my face and I’m feeling the vibe, so I get in and the guest all cheer me when I walk in.

“Wow, Peter, this place looks amazing and the vibe, really I’m speechless. Thank you.” I said as I hug Peter.

“It’s my pleasure Em. Now let’s get this party going by blowing some candles and eating CAKE!” Peter said…. Sometimes he is just like a child.

Everybody sings happy birthday to me, surprisingly I feel happy and enjoying the moment… but it’s all too much and I just need some air, so I walk outside while everybody eats and enjoy themselves. Aah fresh air is all that I needed, and I sit down on the chair outside my shop.

Looking at the dim street lights, I feel the breeze through my hair and realised that this is the first birthday without my cousin/sister….

“Hey, what you doing out side?” Neil said as he sits next to me. I don’t look at him when I answer him that I’m just taking a breather. Neil takes my hand and that makes me look at him…
“Why are you really out here Emily?” Neil asks again with a soft tone and caring eyes. “It’s just…agh I’m just being silly.” I say as I shrug my shoulders. “You know I know you better by now and that I can see that you have something on your mind.” I’m not getting myself out of this one, so I might as well answer him.

“It’s my first birthday without Spencer, we weren’t just cousins she was like my sister, and now she left me all alone.” I say while I look at the dim lights again.

“Emily, I have come to know that you are stronger than you think, and Spencer hasn’t left… she is here… in your heart and you kept her alive in the shop. She will always be with you.” Neil says in his soft caring tone and his eyes pierce mine with so much compassion I want to melt into them, just then we both lean in for a kiss…..

“Em!!! Emmy!!! Emily!” Peter calls out, stopping the leaning in for a kiss… out lips almost touched. I looked up at Neil and realised we almost kissed. “You have a girlfriend…” I said as I stand up to go inside to Peter who called me.
“Here I am.” I said to Peter with tired eyes. “Emily, I want you to meet someone. Emily this is A.J.” with that introduction Peter vanished. Aahg really not in the mood for this setup.

“Hi, uhm I brought you something. Happy Birthday.” A.J said kind of nervous I think. And he handed me this small box. “Thank you, but you don’t even know me. You shouldn’t have.” I said with a kind smile. “I know, but I just got back from Mozambique and I was thought that never to pitch up to a beautiful lady’s party without a present.” He said with a cute nervous smile. “Thank you, aaaw it’s beautiful I love it.” I say with a smile. The gift was a small replica of a tortes.

Before AJ could say anything else I hear Neil say my name behind me…”Emily, I …. AJ what are you doing here?” Neil said shocked to see AJ talking to me… wait these two know each other?

“I just got back form Mozambique.” AJ said sternly and cold… mmm I sense that these two has some history. “Neil, that’s no way to talk to my guest like that.” I say in a manner of faculty. “Emily, I have to go. See you soon and enjoy the rest of your birthday.” Neil says as he walks off.

“You two should just give us a day or two of peace before you start with your nonsense again. I just wish you two will leave the past in the darn past.” Peter says behind me, making me even more interested in their history.
“What is this thing you talk about?” I ask Peter and AJ. “Don’t worry about it Em, it’s just past stuff.” Peter says brushing it off. “It’s the only way he will get over it if we keep on with this nonsense…” AJ says matter of faculty. “Please AJ, just leave it.” Peter says as he starts cleaning up, only then did I realise people left.

“Peter, go home you planned this whole party and you worked your butt off today as well so go home I will clean, and then I will see you only tomorrow afternoon not in the morning.” I say as an order to Peter. He still wanted to help and before he said something AJ pushed Peter out the door and said, “You heard your boss, out you go. And don’t worry I will help her clean up.”

After cleaning, AJ walked me to my car and just before I got in he kissed me so passionately it felt good, jip I like him. “See you soon.” AJ said…

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