Chapter 18

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Walking into my shop on Monday morning, I feel refreshed and ready to tackle anything thrown my way.

“So, how was the weekend?” Peter asks with a smirk. “Good thanks, how you coped alone?” returning his smirk. “Actually everything went really smooth and we were super busy. So tell me all the juicy details.” Winking at me. “Why do you think there will be any juicy details?” I ask with a frown on my face.

He just laughed. These people really think Neil and I are romantically involved, maybe I should put a sign on my head that says just friends so they can understand.

“Sooo, it’s your birthday on Friday and I was wondering maybe we should hold a small party here at the shop for you, seeing as it will also be officially on your name as well on Friday so we can celebrate both. What do you think/?” Peter has always had these clever ideas… gota love the man.

“I tell you what, we can do that if and only if you tell no one about my age?” I wink at him. He just laughs. “Deal, and you don’t have to worry about anything I will organise everything. So you relax and see me work my magic. Just give me the people I don’t know and their numbers so I can invite them.”

Oh dear what have I got myself into.
The week went pretty slow and I was like dead tired and on my way home when Peter stopped me just as I was almost out of the door.
“Em, I know it’s your party but here is your invite for tonight, I wanted everything to be a surprise so now you will know what theme it will be and everything… now shoo go get ready.” He pushed me out the door.

Oh dear bananas this is going to be just fun.

I dial Zell’s number and wait in anticipation for her to answer, she is still in Dubai and guessing she is having a ball. “Hey Babe how you doing?” she answered. “Hey Zelly, I’m ok and you?” I replied while taking my dresses from my dresser. “I’m great. Life is great and this place I wow! Why do you have dresses and nice ones? Are you going on a date?” curious as ever. “Zell!! No!!! It’s for my party. Peter thought it would be best to celebrate my birthday in the shop so he has this “James Bond” theme… why I don’t know I mean I’m a woman why didn’t he go like for something like a Hawaii theme or even better a cocktail theme that would suite me so much better don’t you thing? Now I’m stuck I don’t know what to wear and I don’t even know how many people will be there and…” Zell cuts me off. “Stop rambling Em! Seriously you just gave me a head ache just listening to you! Why in the hell are you so nervous?” she askes

“Zell, you know me I don’t like big doe’s and be the half way to 30 just makes me feel like everything is going so fast and I’m getting old and I don’t have a man in my life and….” I ramble on. “EM!!!! There you go rambling again. Ok you have a man in your life NEIL! Even though he is just your friend like you say, which I don’t believe even though you say he has a girlfriend which he never talks about so she must be non-existing.” She takes a breath and shake her head while I take the red dress. “That’s the one! Wear that one and go have a hell of a night forget everything and just have fun. I have to go will visit you when I get back home ok. Happy birthday Emy and I love you babe.” Zell says and switching off FaceTime before I could say anything back.

So the red dress it will be…
After I curled my black hair and put my natural make up on… ok maybe I’ll do a red lip to go with the dress. I take my red dress and put it on it comes just above my knees and hugs my curves at the right places with a sweet heart neck line. I put on my diamond earrings in the shape of a heart and my watch. I step into my black sexy heels that makes my calf’s look even sexier and gave myself a look over.

“Emily get yourself together this will be fun..” I said to myself as I walk to the door of the shop.

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