Chapter 25

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Emily PVO

The past few days was hectic, I didn’t really want to go to work and face the music every day, but if I don’t then I will just cry the whole day… Neil choose Suney. I have to move on and get use to the fact that I will be alone forever, maybe I should get a cat… ha-ha just joking at least I still have my sense of humour intact.

“Emily, there is phone for you.” Peter calls from the front. I have been hiding in my office and by office I mean the kitchen for the past few days as I didn’t want to scare the customers off with my moping sad face/mood. “Just take a message.” I said not wanting to get up from my chair.

“They say it’s urgent, it’s from a company called Financial Care, they say Mr Howard would like to speak to you about a business opportunity.” Peter said as he walked into the kitchen. I looked shocked at him and am dumb founded as to why the best financial analyse company would want to talk to me. “Thanks Peter,” I said as I get up to talk to them.

“Emily Carter speaking.” Is all I could say and I tried to say it as professional as possible without sounding too shocked. “Miss Carter, Mr Howard would like to speak to you, please hold for a second as I patch you through to him.” The lady which I guess must be his PA said over the phone.

Why is my heart beating so fast?

“Miss Carter, nice to finally get hold of you. I am Mr Steve Howard owner of the Financial Care Company.” Mr Howard said. “Good day Sir, how can I be of assistance?” is all I could say as I am still shocked to why they have called. Probably for a catering job duh. “Miss Carter, we have heard so many good things about you and the clients that you have helped over the years, and not to mention the Hanne Inc. contract that you helped your previous boss get. Point is we would like to have you on our team and bring the Hanne Inc. contract with you, we want to offer you the best job as the head manager, and of course there will be benefits as well added with a lovely new high ranked salary. So what do you say?” Mr Howard said and that left me speechless a few seconds, wow this was a dream come true, I have always wanted to work for them and to get this amazing offer is just wow!!!

Neil PVO

“Mr Hanne, I am so sorry but this gentlemen just walked passed me when I tried to stop him.” Mary my assistant says as I saw Peter barge into my office. “Thanks Mary I will take it from here.” I said to Mary and she left. “Peter I would like to chat but I am busy with a meeting at the moment as you can see.” I said politely at Peter as he looked troubled

“I know and I am sorry, but this can’t wait actually. It’s about Emily.” Peter said with an urgent tone. I gave him a nod and looked over at my client who was now irritated. “Miss Montez I am so sorry for this rude interruption, but this is an important matter. Please excuse me for a few minutes as I tend to this matter. I will be back shortly, in the mean while please help you to some of the refreshments. The brownies are divine.” I said to the client and yes I keep Emily’s brownies fully stocked in my office I am addicted to it so shoot me!

“Peter. Get on with it. What is it about Emily you had to tell me so urgently that you interrupted my meeting?” I said a bit worried and in a hurry, cause Miss Montez’s business will be a big asset to the company and my dad will then be able to retire without worrying about the business. “She got a job offer like a huge one. And she went home yesterday after the call… she called a company to evaluate the business value, I don’t know what she’s going to do, but she can’t sell the business and she can’t go work for those people… “I cut Peter off after I heard what he said. She can’t leave and she can’t sell the shop. And I can’t lose her!

“Where is she?” I asked. “At the shop, the evaluator is probably there already.” He said. “Thanks Peter.” I said as I ran off to my PA.

“Mary, please reschedule with Miss Montez and tell her I had to attend to an urgent life or death emergency. I won’t be back for the rest of the day.” I said as I rushed out of the building.

I got to stop her!

Peter PVO

He better thank me later…. And I know Emily will kill me but this is for the best, I walk out of the Hanne Inc. building with a proud smile and decide it’s better to go home than the shop cause if Em finds out… I’m dead meat.

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