Chapter 26

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Emily PVO

The Evaluators were busy inspecting the building when I saw AJ walking into my shop. Great now what did he want.

“AJ, hi.” I said not really knowing how I should handle this situation. “Hi Emily, I just came here to talk… if that is ok with you?” he said unsure of my reaction. “Uhm, I am actually busy but if it won’t take long we can chat?” I said when I looked at the workers. “Sure, I actually just want to tell you that I am sorry I jumped into everything so fast and pushed the engagement on you and blamed you for having feelings for someone else when I myself were a bit unsure about how we will work, so I am sorry. And I am leaving, I decided to go to tour through Europe and enjoy being the free man life…” AJ said.

“Wow AJ that’s great, I hope that you will enjoy your tour and who knows maybe you will find the one, and apology accepted. I need to give you your ring back, let me just get it. I was going to return it in this week when I had a minute.” I said and walked to get the ring.

Just as I opened the box to show AJ the ring is in side I saw Neil running into the shop and looking at me with wide eyes, AJ’s eyes followed mine and he took the ring and hugged me and whispered in my ear a good bye.

My eyes never left Neil’s. “AJ, what are you doing here?” Neil asked rudely and shocked. “NEIL! There is no reason to be rude.” I said when AJ replied that he just came to say good bye.

“Emily, you can’t take the job offer and you can’t sell the shop.” Neil said, and now I was really shocked. How did he know about the job…PETER! And sell the shop are they crazy?!

“WHAT?!” is all I could say. “I broke off the engagement….”Neil said before I interrupted him.

“Why would you do that?” I asked a bit unsure if I heard correctly. “I know I have been holding back, and I have been blind sometimes and I didn’t want to admit what I felt and I know that I am one huge idiot/jerk/pig, but...” Neil said again before I interrupted…what does all this mean?

“What do you want Neil?” I asked scared of the answer of rejection…maybe he just wanted Spencer’s legacy to live on in this shop.

“I want EMILY CARTER! I want all of you. I have been in love with you since the beach weekend we spent together, that was when you finally stole my heart. And when I came to your house that night when you baked the cake and I saw AJ’s ring, I felt so rejected and I asked Suney’s hand. I never knew that Suney was the woman who stole your job and made life hell for you…. And to know that you were going to marry AJ it just hurt and I didn’t want to feel that hurt.” Neil said never breaking eye contact and holding onto my hand like his life depended on it.

“I said no to AJ.” I said. “I know he told me at my dad’s birthday.” Ok now this is making me mad… “You could talk to him but you didn’t want to talk to me and hear what I had to say?” I asked shocked – I thought they hated each other. “I know and I am sorry, but please stay don’t sell the shop and don’t take the job.” Neil begged.

“I’m not selling the shop Neil and I am most definitely not taking the Job! I am just changing a few things in the shop. And everything I ever wanted is here with me now…” I said before I was interrupted with Neil’s lips on mine.

The kiss was so gentle but sparks went through my whole body and I know here and now that Neil is my other half.

“By the way who told you I was going to sell the place? I asked. “Peter came running into my office and told me about the job offer and that you going to sell.” He said as our noses still touched.

“Peter knew I said no to the offer and he knows I’m just changing a few things and not selling… mmm this was a set up.” I said as I started to laugh at the whole situation.

“I Love you Emily…” “I Love you Neil.”

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