First Day

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Beep. Beep. Be-... I threw my alarm clock against the wall.
"Son of a bitch." I mumbled and slowly sat up in my bed. A look on my phone told me that we had 7 o'clock. So I had one hour left til had to be at college. I am senior now which means this would be the first day of my last year.
"Ams? Are you up?!" My mum yelled from downstairs.
"Yes! Wait. I'll be down in 15 minutes." I shouted back. Slowly I moved myself out of my best friend, my bed. After I took a shower I walked over to my waderobe. I decided to wear a white shirt and a darkblue skinnyjeans. I also took a red sweatshirt jacket since we had almost fall and it started getting colder outside.
I brushed my teeth and comb my hair before I walked down into the kitchen.
"Morning mum." I smiled at her and she kissed my cheek.
"Morning honey. You look beautiful like always. For you my angle." She pointed at a cup of hot chocolate at the kitchentable. I sat down an the table and started do drink it.
"Thanks mum." She knows me too well. Since I went to the kindergarten I drank hot chocolate every morning. It was a habit. Some people need their coffee in the morning like I need my hot chocolate in the morning. My mum smiled at me. I smiled back and looked at my phone. 7:30 time to leave. I finished drinking and got up.
"I need to go now mum."
She came over to me and hugged me.
"Have fun. Remember this is your last first day."
"Yes. Thanks."
I pulled away to put on my black vans and took my rucksack.
"Bye mum."
I kissed her cheek before I left the house to start my walk to the school.
Around 7:50 I arrived at the college. I went in to ask for my timetable. A young blond woman greeted me.
"Hello dear. What is you name?"
"Amber. Amber McAllester."
She tiped something on the computer before printing out my timetable.
"You have in room 207 in the west block, science with uh... Mister Andrews."
"Thank you."
I took the piece of paper she handed me and looked on it while making the way to the classroom in the west block.
Our college was pretty big. We had a north, east, south and west block. That were four different buildings. Luckily I was already in the west block. I reached the stairs and went up to the second floor where I saw room 207. I walked in and was greeted by Mr. Andrews.
"Good morning Miss..."
"McAllester. Amber McAllester."
I smiled kindly at him.
"Good uh... Miss McAllester choose a place to sit."
I sat down in the middle of the class near the window. My phone vibrated and I looked down on it it showed a message of Maggy my best friend. I looked up to Mr. Andrews who nodded at me as a confirmation that I was allowed to use my phone til the beginning of the lesson.
I read the message.
Maggy: Heeey u! Wanna meet in the break and compare timetables? What do u have in the second lesson?
Maggy xx.

Amber: Sure. Outside on the playground? And I have drama with Mister Downey in room 309 in the east block.
Ams xx.

Maggy: Great. Me too! C u in the second lesson then. Lesson starts now. Bye. :)
Maggy xx.

I put my phone into my pocket as I looked up I saw a blond guy sitting next to my.
"Hey I am Chris."
He streched out his hand and I shook it
"Amber but you can call me Ams."
He opened his mouth to say something but right in that moment Mr. Andrews clapped his hands together.
"Good morning students. My name is Mr. Andrews and I am going to teach you in science. If you work good during the lessons we will make many experiments. If you don't you can all copy some texts from your books, okay?" He smiled at all of us. Mr. Andrews seems to be nice as long as we are nice to him. The lesson was interuppted by the school bell.
"Okay guys please finish the excercise at home. You are dismissed."
We all stormed out of the classroom. Chris stopped me and asked me for my number, we exchanged numbers and said goodbye to each other. I made my way down to the drama classroom. I entered the room as I checked my watch. "Fuck." I mumbled quilty. I was five minutes too late and everyone's eyes were on me. Also Mr. Downey's.
"Language." He said angrily.
"You're late. Not a good first impression Miss..." He looked down on his folder.
"Miss McAllester." I stared at him. I was pissed so was he.
"Sit down!" He ordered and I went into the last row and put my books on the table then sat down.
"So..." He cleared his throat. "After the little interruption I want to start with..." My phone ringed and again all eyes were on me. I could see Mr. Downey coming to me he reached out his hand to me.
"Phone." He simply said.
"Son of a bitch." I mumbled quitly while I took at my phone and layed it in his hand.
He got red in his face out of anger he looked funny and I wasn't able to take him serious. It was hard for me to supress my giggles.
"What was that Miss McAllester?!"
The class began to mumble about what is happening.
"I said Son. Of. A. Bitch." He got even redder and I couldn't controll myself anymore and bursted out into laughter.
Everyone was looking at me and Mr. Downey looked very, I really mean very, angry at me...
Hello! This is my first fanfiction. I hope you like it at least a bit. :)
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