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The lessons were over now. I made it really hard for Downey to teach the others and not getting distracted by me. Now I was sitting with Maddy in the cafeteria.
"Does your mum know about Robert?"
"Yeah, she wants to invite him for dinner today but I'm not sure if I should ask him because my mum can be veeery embarrassing." I said while I drank some strawberry milk.
"I love your mum somehow. She takes it do easy that you're dating someone so much older." I felt my phone buzzing in my jeans so I took it out.

'Meet me at my car after school. I miss you.
Robert xx'

I smiled to myself and looked around the cafeteria then I saw him at the other end of the room looking at me. I couldn't help but smile even more. He noticed my stare and smiled back.
"Ams, are you even listening?" I twiched.
"Hm? What?" I couldn't take my eyes off of Downey. I didn't even listen to my best friend... well if I'm honest she was talking about some family stuff which was very boring.
"Who are you looking at?" She turned around and saw Downey then she started to smile. "Seems like you two are really in love." I blushed.
"Yes... I love him." Right then someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around fast. Oh no. Chris.
"Hey ehm... Amber. I'm sorry for shouting at you a few days ago..." He sat next to me.
"And?" I asked slighlty annoyed. What did he want from me?
"I mean it's okay, that you lost your virginity to someone who's probably a teacher of yours... well I don't really think it is but it's your choice what you want to do after all." He said and made eye contact. I was a bit suprised to be honest. "Can we be friends again please?" His eyes were filled with hope.
"Sure..." I mumbled. "Don't ever do a thing like that again!"
"I won't. I promise."

The school went by and suddenly it was already over. I just put a few things into my locker and then walked out of the building over to Downey's car. I leaned on it and waited for him. After a few minutes he came.
"Hey honey." He looked around and kissed my cheek.
"Hey." I smiled happily. Everytime I realised this man was my boyfriend I felt like I was in a dream. He unlocked the car and opened the door for me when we suddenly heard a voice saying our names. It wasn't just a voice... it was the principals voice. Fuck.
"Miss McAllester, Robert! In my office. Now!" I looked in shock at my boyfriend and he did the same.

Mister. {Robert Downey Jr FanFiction}Where stories live. Discover now