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My feet carried me home and when arrived home that day I went straight up to my room and cried myself to sleep.

His words kept spinning through my head and it hurt. "That wasn't love Amber. That was just lust." Why did he say that? I should've known that he was just using me. Maybe I wasn't the only one he was fooling around with. He is a grown man why would he ever fall for a teenager? How could he? How fucking blind were I not to see this.

How stupid am I? It might felt like a month or even more but in reality I've only known him since seven days today. One week. Insane isn't it? How much can happen in just one week?

In the last seven days I met someone, I slept with that someone, I fell for that someone, I got in a relationship with that someone and I got my heart broken badly.

But isn't that normal for teenagers? Doing everything fast and not thinking about it? Acting like we only had a few days to life? I don't know.

What I've learned is I am naive, Robert Downey Jr is a cruel asshole and I might be even less mature than I thought.

The next morning I stood up. I've been crying all night but now I had to get ready for school and pretend like nothing happened. What a lovely coincidence that I have Downey in drama today. I hate my life.

I went to school and slowly I walked towards the drama classroom. I would've to sit right in front of him if I enter that room. I could still turn around. I stopped walking as people walked pass me to get to their classes. Slowly I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I started walking again straight into his room and sat down without looking up. Quiet loud I slammed my books on my desk and opened them just to seem busy but I knew that he was sitting right in front of me and I knew that he was looking at me.

The bell rang and the lesson started. I didn't pay attention but still enough to notice that he had bags underneath his eyes. I noticed his shaking hands and I noticed that he was nervous and anything but focused on the lesson.

After the lesson was over I waited for everyone to leave until it was just me and Downey. I was still seated and he was standing close to his desk facing me.

"You've been drinking." I said coldly.

"So what?" He asked.

"Don't do that."


"It's senseless. You left me and after all it was just lust. Don't you recall? There is no reason to drink for you." He didn't answer and just looked at me. "Fine. Drink. Maybe it'll help you die faster." With those words said I left his classroom.

The next weeks went on like that. There was an enormous tension between us. He stopped drinking and I stopped crying but still I was hurt. The week I was with him was probably the best week of my life. But things changed. After one month I decided to transfer class to a different teacher because I couldn't stand this tension any longer and it hurt me every time I saw him.

I got a different teacher even though his lessons were boring I enjoyed them more than lessons with Downey. When we saw each other in the hallway we didn't exchange a single gaze. Both of us just starred somewhere else preventing ourselves to look at each other. I never talked to him and never looked at him at least I did everything to keep myself from that.

I told my mum about our breakup two weeks after it happened but I didn't tell her the real reason. I lied to her and said that we decided to stay professional and that we didn't want to take the risk of getting caught.

Time went by and soon it was the day of my eighteens' birthday closely followed by my graduation. He was there and he was looking at me when I walked to the front. I saw him clapping and smiling a little, we made eye contact and it was hard for me not to break into tears. I still missed him. We broke up but I fell madly in love with him. And I fell deeper every single day. I just couldn't help it.

Later he came up to me.

"Congratulations to your graduation Amber." He held his hand out for me to shake and I took it. I felt paralyzed and suddenly all the feelings I was trying to suppress so hard came back.

"Thank you Downey." I mumbled.

"I never meant to hurt you Amber. I'm sorry. I wish you the best for your future. Good luck." He leaned closer and kissed my cheek, then he let go of my hand. "Goodbye Amber." I had no words. My eyes became teary. I realized that this was the end. The end of this. I will never see him again. I tried to speak up but I couldn't. For the last time ever I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes.

"Goodbye Robert." Those words were barely audible. One single tear rolled down my cheek. He gave me a small smile and turned around, leaving me alone.

This was not a movie. This was the cruel reality. There was no happy ending.


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