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It was 7:30 the next morning when I woke up. I felt someone's arms wrapped around my naked body. I slightly turned my head to see a still sleeping Downey behind me. Yesterday evening was amazing. Downey was amazing.
Hello I'm Amber McAllester and I lost my virginity to my thirty years older teacher ,who I barely know, last night.
Do I regret it? No. Not a bit. It was an amazing and unique feeling I never had before. Besides Downey was suprisingly soft and careful the first time. We did it three times yesterday, I was very lucky nothing hurt.
After a few minutes of thinking I felt something shifting next to me. It was Downey who slowy opened his eyes and smiled at me.
"So I didn't dream it?" He asked in a sexy deep morning voice which made me shiver.
"Of course you didn't. You really took my virginity last night. And I would love to do it with you again but... there's something that's called school. So get your ass out of the bad." I giggled and he sat up. I stood up from my bed and put on my underwear. His eyes were on my back.
"Take a picture then you can stare longer." I heard him chuckle.
"Amber? I need to go home before school starts to get some clothes and all this stuff, so see you later in school?"
"Sure, Mr. Downey." I said while I turned around to face him. He was standing there naked. In my room. Holy shit. I bit my lip and he began to smirk.
"Have you seen my boxers?" He asked stepping closer to me.
"Uh..." As hard as I tried to keep my eyes off his body, it just didn't work.
"I think I threw them somewhere in the corner over there yesterday."
We had cornflakes for breakfast then he drove home. I'm in school now. Like always I was waiting for Maggy.
"Hey Ams!" She ran to me and hugged me.
"Hey Mag-..."
"Holy shit! You've a hikey again! Did he made it?" My cheeks got red.
"Oh my god! You two did...?" I bit my lip and slowly nodded.
"How was he? How long is he? Did he treat you soft?" Maggy was overexcited.
"I tell you later okay?" I said to her while we walked to Downey's room for drama. She agreed and we sat down in the back of the class and Downey started his lesson. I could feel his stare on me and I blushed everytime he caught me looking at him.
"Miss McAllester? Can I speak you outside please?" He finally demanded.
"What? Why?"
"Because I say it."
"Just get outside." I stood up confused and went onto the hallway, Downey followed me.
"Why did yo-..." I was cutted off by his lips. He kissed me passionately while pinning me up against the wall. I tried to pull away.
"W-we can't do this on a hallway in school... we need to keep this secret." He rolled his eyes.
"There's noone here at the moment."
"But there must be just one student we don't notice and you'll get into very deep trouble..."


Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time but I was sick and had a lot to do because school started again.
(Sorry but I had to republish the chapter because Wattpad bugged and only showed 150 words or something like that.)


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