The end of us

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"So... how was your shower?" My mum knowingly asked while serving breakfast. I looked to Robert who was nervously scratching the back of his neck and starring holes in the air, my face became burning red.

"Uhm..." Robert sat down at the table. "It was really... you have nice water." I facepalmed myself and rolled my eyes at him.

"Nice water?" Mum laughed. "So nice that you two were moaning?" I wanted to bury myself out of embarrassment. I stood up quickly and grabbed my lunchbox.

"I'm going." With that I rushed out of the kitchen. Robert excused himself and said a quick goodbye then went after me. Both of us heard my mum giggle to herself as we left the house.

"That was awkward." Downey mumbled.

"No shit Sherlock." I mockingly said. "Now open your car and drive us to school." He rolled his eyes and opened the car's door for me and entered the car on the other side.

"I should let you out a street away from the school to prevent anyone seeing me driving you to school, alright?" He said as he started the car.


It was already later that day now. I haven't seen Downey since he dropped me off because I haven't had any lessons with him but I kept thinking about him the whole day. I can not get him out of my mind. What a bastard.

"You wanna join us tonight?" Maddy asked.

"What for?"

"Chris, his friends and me are going to a club tonight. We were wondering if you would like to come too."

"Pick me up at eight." I smiled and then went around a corner to walk along the street that leads to my house.

At eight Maddy and the others picked me up and we went to the club. We did what we always did, drinking. Except for one thing. We were all already pretty drunk when that friend of Chris pulled out a bag with white pills.

"Are those drugs?" Maddy asked slurring her words.

"Of course. Just take them in order to have a good time." Then he gave the bag to Chris and without hesitation he took one of the pills, his other friend took one too and even Maddy didn't hesitate. Now it was my turn. Everyone looked at me. I shrugged and took one. Big mistake. After that I gave the bag back to it's owner.
The first 15 minutes I didn't feel any changes. The then following hour was funny. I felt like I was too fucking drunk but I had fun. But after around an hour things changed and I totally lost control over myself. I felt like I wasn't me and like I was standing outside of my own body. All I saw was extremly blurry and everything sounded the way you hear things when you are under water. Somehow I managed to force my way out of the club.
Once out of it I tried to figure out what to do but I couldn't. I just sat down on the ground starring in the sky. I drifted off into a peaceful deep sleep.

Next thing I remembered was that I was in a bed somewhere and that I threw up all night.
Slowly I opened my eyes but closed them right as the sunlight hit me. I groaned, I had a headache, my throat was burning and my stoemach felt empty.
I opened eyes again and slowly sat up. I recognized this place, it was too familiar. It was Downeys bedroom. Next to the bed was a bucket with... well you can imagine what what inside.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" What? I looked up to see Downey standing in the doorframe. His hair was out of place and he had bags underneath his eyes. His jaw was tight and his face slighly red. He was angry. Very angry.

"What?" I mumbled while I massaged my temple.

"What? What!? Don't you remember? Wait, let me tell you. Some random guy brought you here this night, you were awake but it was impossible to talk to you. He told me that you said my adress. I thought you were just really drunk which is fine by me as long as it doesn't happen too often. But then that guy told me that you and your friends or whatever took pills. Right then you started puking all over yourself and you kept doing it the whole night. I stayed awake to make sure you are okay. Are you fucking out of your mind?! Drugs!? You can't be serious. What an immature move to make. Do you know what could've happend to you?" He was shouting now. The vain at his neck pumping and his face bright red. Now I realized what I did.

"Robert... I'm sorry. Really. I just did it because... because everyone else was doing it and I wanted to know what it feels like. Don't be mad. Please." I said quietly and he listend but it didn't seem to calm him down.

"Yea, sure. You know how stupid that was? Just because everyone else did it? How old are you!? Twelve? You know what drugs do to you and your body but still you took them!? Isn't that one of the things you learn in primary school if not already in the kindergarten? Are you just stupid or too young to understand that!?" That hurt. He pushed me to the edge.

"Yes Robert. I am indeed young. Do you recall that there is an thirty years age gap between us!? I'm a teenager and that's what we teenagers do. We do things not caring about consequences. I'm 17! What do you expect?! To be all grown up and only making right desicions? Don't tell me you didn't do stupid things when you were young. And now you are absolutely freaking out and insulting me because of a thing teenager do!? What do want? Do you want me to give up my youth? Just because you want me to?" Even though I was weak I was shouting at him now and I stood up walking towards him. He was staring at me and he was thinking. There was a moment of silence before he said the words that hurt me the most.

"You are right. You are just 17. What was I thinking? Go home and grow up." His voice was quieter now but still demanding. And you know why those words hurt so much? Because both of us knew that go home didn't mean just go. Go home meant the end.
My eyes became teary.

"Maybe you should've thought about that before fucking me, toying with me and making me fall in love with you. You are an asshole Robert Downey Junior. Truly you are." And out of this enormous anger I slapped him across his check leaving a dark red imprint of my hand. He twiched but didn't speak.
"You should think about who the immature person here is. Doing things and not thinking about the consequences. Just think about it. After all I can sue you for sleeping with a minor but you can be damn lucky you made me fall in love with you and I could never forgive myself for that." I hissed now only a few inches away from him.

"You don't even know what real love is. That wasn't love Amber. That was just lust." Was all he said.

"Careful with your words Mister Downey. I still decide wether you go to jail or not. And are you really sure that I'm the person who doesn't know what love is? Goodbye Robert." For the last time we made eye contact before I ran out of his house, tears streaming down my face.

That was the end of us.

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