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"I don't know... we haven't talked about that yet..." Downey said while looking back at me. He was nervous when I say nervous I really mean nervous, he was shaking.
"Okay... uhm... I'll... uh... I'll leave you uh... that you two can uhm... talk... just let me grab my uhm... jacket... I forgot it here that's why I came back and found you two... uh... you know..." She came over to us and grabbed her jacket from the chair next to me. Maggy leaned over to my ear.
"Look the door next time otherwise you'll get into deep trouble with your lover here. Call me later. And don't forget to use protection." I rolled my eyes.
"Yes... thanks Maggy for this advice. Bye." I said loud so also Downey could hear it, Maggy winked at me and left before closing the door behind her. I turned to face Downey again.
"So... what do you think we are?" I asked him while stepping closer to him. He scratched the back of his neck.
"I don't know... We are teacher and student... in school at least..."
"And we are not dating..."
"Do we really have to solve this now?" Downey asked.
"No. Not really... anyway uhm... I think I need to go... home..." I wanted to turn around when Downey grabbed my wrist and handed me a piece of paper.
"Text me." I looked in his beautiful eyes.
"I will." He leaned in and kissed me on my lips. I kissed him back. He broke the kiss and I went home.
"Mum! I am home!" I slammed the front door close and entered the kitchen.
"Hey darling. Do you want to invite your boyfriend for dinner? I want to get to know him better." She said while cutting some salad.
"Mum... uh... he is not my boyfriend... he's my teacher and we... I dunno make things..."
"Oh... well invite him anyway. He is nice. I like him. If he isn't your boyfriend yet and you two just... well you know I am sure he'll be your boyfriend soon." I blushed. Why does she want me to be together with someone who's much older than me. I sighed.
"Okay... I will ask him..."
"Great. He can come over at 6 o'clock." I nodded and went up in my room, I saved his number ans texted him.
A: Hey, it's me Amber. My mum wants to invite you for dinner this evening at 6.

D: Really? Doesn't she think I am a pedophile or something like that?

A: No. She first thought you are my boyfriend.

D: Boyfriend. Sounds interesting.

A: A boyfriend who's... how old are you?

D: 47.

A: What the hell?! You look like maybe 40 or 45.

D: Thanks. It's good to know that I don't look that old. ;)

A: Pfff... you look old anyway. :P

D: I don't!

A: Old. O-L-D. Old man! You are old.

D: I'll proof you I'm not. Be sure about that. At least when you scream my name you'll take the "old-thing" back. ;)

A: Oh god Downey... xD We will see. What's your firstname btw?

D: Amber.

A: Very funny. Not. :P I mean your real name.

D: Robert.

A: That's a nice name. :)

D: So is yours. See you later at dinner. I need to go now. Bye. :*

A: Bye, c u.

Oh my god... I don't know why but Dow-... Robert is cute. And hot. And sexy. And perfect... god... maybe mum is right...

Not a very good chapter. Hope you like it anway.
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