Not my problem

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He starred in my eyes, so did I. His eyes where darkbrown and somehow they looked beautiful but they were full of anger.
"Miss McAllester? Detention." He hissed. It wasn't really suprising but I was a little bit pissed and just nodded. He turned around and walked to the desk before he put my phone on it. Then he turned back around to the class, he looked at me and then over the whole class.
"Today I want you to write your own play in groups of four peo-..." He was cutted of by me.
"Boring!" I said loudly and everyone's eyes where on my again. Mr. Downey clenched his jaw.
"Miss McAllester! Shut your fucking mouth!" Downey almost shouted.
"Language!" I said calmly. Two could play this game. He slammed his fist on the desk.
"Mr. Downey watch out my phone is laying on there!" I said jokingly to provocate him. I could see his body tense. He took a deep breath.
"Miss McAllester! If you want you can leave now."
"Nice offer Mr. Downey but isn't it your job to teach students and not to throw them out of class?" I smirked and raised my eyebrow. He sighed annoyed.
"Miss McAllester? May I have a word? Outside? I want the others of you to start writing their play. Deadline is next Friday." He really tried to calm himself down. I smirked and stood up then I walked through the door outside with Mr. Downey behind me. He closed the door and looked at me.
"So?" I asked. "What problem has Downey with me?" He stepped closer to me.
"Everything! You are rude, annoying and stupid!"
"Not my problem. I guess we can go back in now." I smirked and turned around. As I wanted to grab the doorhandle someone grabbed my arm. I turned back around and faced Downey.
"Don't. Touch. Me." I hissed and looked in his eyes.
"Not my problem." He just smirked. Oh, he think he is winning? Nonono. I won't let him. I stepped closer to him and put my hand on his hips, slowly moving my hand down.
"Maybe I don't even have a probelm with you touching me." I almost whispered while I looked in his eyes which opend widely before his strong arms pushed me away.
"What the fuck!? Miss McAllester!? Detention. The whole fucking week now!" I smiled to myself and bit my lip to supress my giggles.
"Language." I just said and walked back into the class, letting a completely angry and confused Downey behind me. I walked to my table and sat down. He followed me in the class then but sat down on his desk. The school bell rang.
"You're dismissed for today and don't forget to finish the plays." He said. I got up and packed my things then I went over to Downey.
"Phone." I simply said.
"No. This afternoon after detention." He smirked and I showed him my middlefinger.
"Language." He said. I didn't reply and left the class to go to my locker. Maggy was waiting there.
"Woah Ams you made Downey very aggressive didn't you?" She giggled.
"Maybe a bit. Believe me it was funny."

After the break we had PE. It was simple we just played basketball but now I had to go to detention...
I walked through the empty hallways to Mr. Downey room. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door...
A very short chapter. Sorry for that.

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