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Warning: A bit very smutty later...

"Well... uhm..." He bit his lip and it seemed like he thought about how he could express what he wanted to say.
"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" His with hope filled, brown eyes were nervously looking to me. Honestly I'm really suprised he asked me that. Should I say no or yes? Do I feel something for him? I mean he is very cute, handsome and just... I don't know. I really like him. And we had sex. I could give it a try. My mum likes him too...
"Yes. I want to be your girlfriend Robert." He smiled widely at me. He was so damn cute. I didn't realise how close he came to me and before I could react he kissed me. I kissed back while he pushed me against the wall and pressed his whole body against mine. I burried my hands in his hair and his hands were moving all over my body. This won't turn out good. Somehow he managed to take off my shirt and open the button of my jeans. I shortly pulled away.
"Someone's horny." I smirked at him and he just gave me respond with another smirk. He started kissing my jawline and my neck when my phone ringed.
"W-Wait... I need to take that." I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Mum. I answered the call.
"Yea?" Robert bit softly in to the skin of my neck. My breath got faster.
"Where are you honey?"
"With Dow-..." Now he was sucking at my neck and his hands were somewhere between my legs. God. This man. I bit my lip.
"Who?" I mouthed Robert 'Stop it!' but he didn't and just shook his head while smiling evil.
"D-Downey... holy shit! God..." His hand was now in my pants and his fingers stroking over my area.
"What are you two doing?" I blushed completely.
"Of course. I know you too good darling. Use protection."
"Mum... we're not..." He entered me with one finger and I moaned.
"You are. Have fun. Be at home around 10pm." Then she hung up.
"God Robert! I hate you." He laughed.
"You don't. I know that. Otherwise we wouldn't do this." His voice got deeper and a second followed his first into me. I couldn't do anything but moan and grab his shoulder tightly... I could feel his erection through his jeans pressing against me...
We ended up on his couch later. He was very good... again. I think I really have feelings for him, otherwise I wouldn't let him do that with me, right?

Sorry for not updating for so f'cking long.


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