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If mum would've been at home she would've asked thousand questions. I entered our house as I saw Robert driving away. I walked into the kitchen and made myself a hot chocolate. Then I went up into my room and started watching Netflix til I feel asleep. That night I dreamed of Downey and me.

The next morning I was woken by my mother knocking on my door.
"Ams, are you awake?" Shit. I forgot to activate my alarm clock.
"Now I am." I got up and made my regular morning routine. As I entered the kitchen mum smirked at me.
"And? How was he?" I blushed.
"Mum why do you ask that?" I mumbled slightly embarrassed.
"Because he made you moan while you were phoning with me yesterday." Oh. Yes. I almost forgot that. Not.
"Mum. Just stop asking things like that. Please. That's embarrassing."
"Okay darling, don't worry. Did something else happened yesterday?"
"He asked me to be his girlfriend."
"Aaand?" My mum asked way too excited.
"I'm his girlfriend now." I said after I drank a glass of water. Mum squeaked.
"That's cute. I'm so happy for you. You should invite him for dinner. I want to meet him as your boyfriend." She smiled.
"Maybe. Anyway I need to go to school now. Bye mum." I kissed her on the cheek and left our house.
As I arrived at school, Maddy ran over to me.
"You need to tell me everything. So you're boyfriend and girlfriend now? How was he? And how long is his d-..." I cutted her off.
"For god's sake Maddy. Calm down. Yes, we're a couple now and I won't tell you the other things." Maddy acted sad.
"Come on. I'm your best friend. How many times did you two already...?" "Two times." Right then I saw Downey coming across the corner, we made eye contact. Maddy turned to me and wiggled with her eyebrows as he came over to us.
"Miss McAllister, I need to talk to you. In my office, now." Robert said and smirked slightly. Maddy grinned then waved a goodbye and left. I followed Downey in his office and as I closed the door I got pressed against it. I could feel Downeys lips on mine.
"I missed you." Downey mumbled as he pulled away again. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes.
"We've seen each other yesterday." I raised one eyebrow.
"That doesn't mean that I wasn't allowed to miss you." He grinned. When he leaned in for another kiss the bell rang and I pushed him carefully away.
"Well Mister Downey, seems like we have drama together now." I said and bit my lip to tease him a little.
"That will become really hard for me if you keep acting like that." Robert smirked.

Mister. {Robert Downey Jr FanFiction}Where stories live. Discover now