But what?

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We had 17:00 now and I went down to my mum in the kitchen.
"Smells delicious." I said while grabbing a piece of a tomato and eating it.
"Thanks darling." My mum smiled. She always loved cooking but since my dad and her are divorced there is no sense behind cooking huge meals. That's why mum loves to invite people.
"Mum? Can I ask you something?" I asked a bit shyly while I filled a glas with water.
"Sure. What do you want to ask me?" She asked and turned around to face me.
"I just wanna know why don't you hate Downey... I mean he is my teacher and... he is 47 year-old. We made out together. Mum I kissed a man who's 30 years older than me." I played nervously with the glas of water in my hand.
"Oh darling... I know you very good. You are my daughter. You're right, he is your teacher and 30 years older than you but you kissed him. Do you even know what that means? In all of your 17 years on this planet you never had you first kiss. You had your first kiss with your teacher. And I know that you were okay with that because you never let any guys come near to you even when you are drunk. You're always careful with choosing people you hang around with. I'm sure he won't use you because he knows exactly how risky this kinda relationship you two have is for him." My mum smiled softly and me and I replied with a very happy smile.
"Thanks mum. You're right."
"And now make yourself ready. Maybe you should wear a short dress. You know that I have to go to work overnight so you are alone til 9 am in the morning." She winked me and I completely blushed.
"Oh god mum..." Then I left kitchen and went up to my room. My mum was right somehow I should ask Robert if he wants to stay overnight. I grabbed my phone and texted him.

A: Hey you. My mum will leave at 10 for work tonight so I would be alone til tomorrow morning. Do you want to stay overnight?

I know him since two days, he's much older than me, we kissed well more made out and now I want him to sleep here... what is wrong with me? I just couldn't resist him. He had something special what other people hadn't but I don't know what. My phone vibrated.

D: Sounds interesting. ;) I will stay over night.

A: Great!C u in 15 minutes. :)

Oh god. I felt very nervous. Later I decided to wear a black comfortable dress which ended right above my knees and showed my body shape very well. I had to admint I didn't looked that bad. My mum called me downstairs and I helped her with dressing the table. I just wanted to get a bottle of wine when the doorbell rang.
"Go." My mum whispered and smiled at me. I nervously went to the door and opened it. There he was... damn hot. He had a dark blue dressing shirt on and a black blazer with black jeans. I saw him also checking me out, he bit his lip then looked up to me.
"So uh... you look very nice Amber." He smiled and handed me a rose. I blushed and took the rose.
"Thanks... you look also hot uh... I mean good." He smirked.
"That is going to be an interesting evening."
"Shut up." I giggled while I stepped to the side to let him inside and close the door. He gave me short kiss on the lips then went in the direction of the living room, I went after him. I felt my lips sparkle.
"Nice place you two have." He said while smiling at my mum.
"Hello. Nice to meet you again." He shook hands with my mum which offered him to sit down at the table so he did. I sat next to him while my mum served the food.
"That smells and seems very delicious. Thank you a lot for inviting me." Robert said kindly. My mum smiled warmly at him and I just starred at him. He's such a kind and good looking man. I wondered why he didn't have a girlfriend. Just in that moment my mum began to speak.
"Thank you Mr. Downey."
"Please call me Robert." He said before drinking a sip of the wine.
"Robert. Okay. Can I ask you one question?"
"Sure." He answered. He was not rude and an asshole like in school. I think I was falling for him.
"Are you married or do you have a girlfriend? And do you have children?" My mum asked and Downey almost choked on his food. He looked nervous.
"Uhm... well... no. Actually not. I am not married nor I have a girlfriend. I am single but..." he grabbed my hand under the table and I looked confused at him but I also felt warm as he touched my hand.
"But what?" I asked now shyly while looking at him.

Hey! Sorry I haven't updated that long but I wanted to spend the time around Christmas and New Year with my family. :)
Also I made a book which I named "some random stuff" this will be a book where I will make tags, tell every day life stories or just share other information. So if you're interested feel free to check it out.


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