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"They're dead. Died a few years ago. Mum died and dad had some problems with alcohol... that's why he did some days after her death." He said starring straight into nowhere.
"I'm really sorry for that." I took his hand into mine and stroke it.
"It's okay, I'm over it." I smiled at him.
"I'm proud of you." Right in that moment my mum came back.
"I put the photo on your nightstand. And also Robert, are you staying here tonight?" My mum looked to Robert who was looking expectantly to me. I nodded.
"Yes I'll stay." He smiled.
"Great. I'm leaving for work now. Use protection." She winked and then left the house.
"God... I hate my mum sometimes." I giggled nervously.
"It's okay. It would be pretty bad if we wouldn't use protection." Downey smirked at me.

The next morning Downey and me drove to school together. When he was driving his eyes were locked to the road which was very cute because sometimes he tried to look at me but he also wanted to concentrate on the road. As we arrived we decided not to kiss cause the principal still had us under his watch and we didn't want to risk anything. Downey hugged me and then went to his class. So did I. I had history with Mrs. George now.
"Good morning class. Today I want you to prepare a presentation about the Cold War in Germany after World War 2. You can make that in groups of three and you should be done with the presentation by the end of the week so if you don't finish it today, meet with your group and finish it." I hate group projects.
"Ams do we want to work with Chris?" Maddy asked me and I agreed. Well as it could've been expected we didn't finish the project in the lesson.
"If you want you can come over right after school." I offered.
"That would be great Ams." Chris smiled.
In the break I texted Downey that we couldn't meet after school but that he could come over around 8 o'clock.
After school we all went to my house.
"Does any of you wants to eat something?" I asked politely.
"What about ordering pizza?" Maddy said while already grabbing her phone.
"Good idea." Chris and my said at the same time.
"Okay, I'll order the pizza you two can already go up in your room Ams." Oh hell... if I would've known what followed I would've never invited Chris. I went up the stairs and sat down in a chair in my room while Chris sat down on the bed. Something catched his attention and as I followed his gaze I noticed he was looking at a belt which was laying right in front of his feet. It wasn't just a belt. It was Downey's belt. Memories from last night popped up in my head.
"I love you Ams." Downey whispered with a deep voice which made me shiver. His warm hands were running down my cool skin. I felt his lips on my neck making me moan slightly. My shaky hands were at his belt.
"I love you too." I whispered when opened his belt. His muscular, heated body was pressing mine against the wall. As he softly bit the skin of my neck I let the belt fell down on the floor and grabbed his jeans.
Damn. He forgot his bloody belt.
"Who's belt is this Amber?" Chris questioned really confused and very sceptically.
"I..." I couldn't say anything. "It's my..." Shit. Right then his eyes locked to the picture on my nightstand. The picture were Robert and me were kissing. Is everything lost now?
"So... you're fucking your drama teacher." He whispered cold and some kind of angry.
"Chris it's not-..." I couldn't say anything.
"I'm gonna report this!" I twiched. My eyes became teary. In that moment my whole world was falling together.

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