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I looked around. Chris and Maddy were still laying on the floor but looking to us and then there was my mum standing in the doorframe. Oopsi. Her gaze fell to the empty bottles of whatever alcoholic shit I had hidden in my room then she looked to Robert and me. He was still busy kissing my neck probably way to drunk to realize that my mum was here now and I didn't pulled him away or anything like that.

"Amber, you and I are gonna have a word tomorrow." But she couldn't act serious and laughed again. I guess the view of all four of us on the floor and Robert being in his own world totally focused on giving me little kisses everywhere was just too funny. "I'll drive Chris and Maddy home and..." She looked to Robert. "...he can stay here." I giggled.

"Sure mum. Love you. Thanks for driving Chris and... Maddy... what was the word again?" I asked laughing a little.

"Home." Robert mumbled against my neck.

"Your mind is still working baby?" I stroke through his hair, smiling like an idiot.

"Kinda have a brain left up there." He slurred earning a giggle from everyone in the room. Then mum helped Chris and Maddy to get up and pack their things. I rolled myself of from Robert. "Come back Ams." He complained.

"Robert you're drunk."

"So are you, little miss." He grinned and slowly sat up but he really struggled with that. "Guys you got me really drunk." He leaned his back against my bed. Chris and Maddy chuckled.

"A drunk teacher that's really funny man. Hope he won't have a headache tomorrow." Chris said.

"He will." I answered and looked to Robert who was staring at me.

Somebody knocked on my room's door.

"Amber? Are you awake?" My mum, obviously.

"Mh... piss off." I mumbled into Robert's chest. He was still here, he stayed here overnight but we didn't do anything dirty last night. My mum opened the door.

"You have thirty minutes to get ready for school and so does Robert." I slowly sat up and looked to him. He was still sleeping like a baby.

"Fine." I mumbled. "Do you have a bucket or something like that?"

"What for?" Mum asked curious.

"We need to wake my boyfriend." I grinned and stood up ignoring my headache.

"In the bathroom. I will see you two downstairs for breakfast." She smiled and left my room. I walked to the bathroom and took the bucket just to fill it with cold water. I sneaked back into my bedroom making sure to not wake Downey. I had to supress a giggle and then I threw the water on him. He fast sat up and screamed.

"Amber!" I laughed at his look.

"Good morning love." He looked over to me.

"I hate you." He put his hand to his head. "What happened yesterday. I can only remember that we started to play 'never have i ever...'. My head is killing me..." He slowly stood up.

"You forgot about yesterday?" I laughed. "You were really drunk like really really drunk." He looked at me annoyed.

"Okay fine. I need to shower I probably smell like a whole pub. What time is it?" He asked.

"We have 25 minutes left til we have to leave for school." I said. "Mum is expecting us downstairs."

"But first we will take a shower." He emphasized the 'we'.

"What? I don't need to shower Robert. I'll just wait downstairs." I made my way to the door but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him into the bathroom.

"You think you'll get away with waking me that way Ams?" He grinned and pulled me close to him. I bit my lip.

"To be honest I hoped so Mr. Downey." A smirk sneaked onto his lips then suddenly he pushed me into shower and turned on the cold water. I screamed. "Robert you fucking asshole!" I shouted and he laughed.

"I always get my revenge." He said and then joined me under the shower and turned the water warm.

"I hate you." I mumbled as I took off my wet clothes.

"You don't." He smirked.

"What makes you sure about that?" I raised one eyebrow at him and crossed my arms. He took me and spinned me around and pressed me to the wall. My back against his chest. His soft lips at my neck, kissing my sensitive skin softly. I gasped. Then he whispered into my ear.

"This makes me sure." We continued doing certain things under the shower until a heavy knock on the door interupted us.

"Damn it Amber! You have ten minutes left and where is Robert?" My mum. Fuck. Downey put his hands on my mouth to keep my quiet. It wouldn't have been good I've my mum would hear me moan. In the shower. With Robert.

"Ms. McAllester we are showering. Amber just got shampoo in her eyes, we will wash it out and then we are done. We'll be downstairs in 5 minutes." Robert said casually making it sound like we weren't having sex in the shower right now.

"Fine, hurry up." She said and I heard her getting downstairs again. Downey slowly took his hand off my mound and I loudly moaned by accident.

"Damn it Amber! I think she really believed we were just showering and now you messed it up." He chuckled slightly. I guess I was red like a tomato right now.

After 5 minutes we were really downstairs. My mum was in the kitchen and I still was totally red in my face.

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