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"Come in!" I heard Mr. Downey's voice yelling from inside. I entered the room.
Downey was leaning on his desk the first three buttons of his shirt were open and his sleeves were folded up. I licked my lips while I studied his body. Why didn't I realise how hot and se-...
"Miss McAllester!" I looked up in his eyes and started to blush.
"Y-yes?" He looked confused but then smirked.
"You stutter McAllester. Why? Is your confidence and sassyness fading?" Come on Amber. Pull yourself together. Even if he looks sexy he is still an asshole.
"No. Why should it?" With his hand he stroked through is darkbrown hair. Oh shit. Amber! God. No.
"I don't know. Anyway... you know why you are here?"
"No." Obviously I knew it but I wanted to hear him from him. I liked his voice. A lot. Maybe more than I should.
"You were rude. But that isn't the main reason why you are here. The main reason is that you touched me... where you are not allowed to touch me." His voice was deeper now and it was sexy.
"Fuck!" I whispered.
"What was that MissMcAllester?"
"Nothing just uh... I just remembered that I uh... I wanted to meet uh... Chris today... yes exactly Chris but I haven't told him that we have to meet later because of the detention."
"Poor Chris." He smirked then pointed at a table in the front row.
"Sit down." I went to the table and sat down. I felt his eyes on me while I walked to the table. I looked to him, he was still leaning against his desk.
"What shall I do now?" I asked bored.
"Well... nothing. Just sitting there for two hours til detention is over. You could make homework or whatever Miss McAllester."
"Seriously? You're such a dick. I am booooored." I said while rolling my eyes. Did he expected me to just sit here and do nothing.
"Language." He said. He really was pissing me off again.
"Fuck you."
"Language!" He said a bit louder.
"Blablabla." I mumbled and irgnored him. He sat down at his desk and started to correct some exams from other pupils. I took out my MP3 Player without him noticing I put my earphones in and started listening to music from Panic! At The Disco my favourite band. 'Lying is the most fun girls can have without taking off their clothes' was the next song and I started to mumble the lyrics.
"Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Well, then think of what you did." I stopped shortly to take a breath then I continued.
"When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch your skin
I've got more wit
A better kiss
A hotter touch
A better fuck" I had my eyes closed when I heard suddenly someone.
"Excuse me?!" I heard a obviously very confused Downey. Fuck. I opened my eyes fast and put my earphones in my bag, luckily he didn't saw them. I looked at him. I felt my cheeks getting very red. I cleared my throat.
"Uhm..." He stood up and came over to my table.
"What did you just say?" Downey asked while leaning his elbows on my table that I could look in his darkbrown eyes. I gulped. Fuck. Embarassing. No. No. No. Fuck you music. Fuck you. I wasn't able to say anything. His face was maybe about 5 inches away from mine. I could feel his hot breath on my lips.
"Miss McAllester. What did you just say?" His voice was very low and sexy again.
"Uh... a-a... s-song... Down-... M-Mister Downey..."
"Sounded very charming... I mean the lyrics." He said smirking while moving his face closer to mine. I choked. Excuse me? What! The! Fuck?!
"The lyrics gave me an idea... how we could end detention for you now. Something like a deal. But you won't tell anybody." He looked down to my lips. His face was maybe 2 inches away from mine. What does he want from me?!
"Uh... h-how?" Somehow this was hot. Incredible hot. I starred on his lips. Oh damn...
"Admint that you listened to music." He said. What!? What!?!?! He leaned up and looked down to me. What the fuck!? What did he just do?! What is wrong with this guy?! I hate him.
"What?" I was so confused.
"Admint it." Pull yourself together!
"Yes I did." I stood up, grabbed my bag and fastly walked to the door.
"Wait!" I heard him saying. I turned around.
"What do you want?" I said annoyed.
"Don't forget detention tomorrow." He said while walking to his desk.
"Sure." I left the room. What the fuck was that?! God. I have hots for my teacher...
What did Downey do? And why?


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