I knew it

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The next morning I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock. Ugh... I had a headache... What did I do last night? I couldn't remind myself of anything that happend last night. Slowly I got up and grabbed my clothes then I went into the bathroom. As I watched myself in the mirror as I began to brush my teeth. Fuck! I looked at my neck... there were two big hikeys. All the memories of last night began to come back in my mind. Oh god. I will see Downey in school today that will be so embarassing. Why did I make out with him? Stupid drunk myself.
After I took a pretty cold shower I put on my clothes and also a scarf to cover my neck so noone will see the hikeys. If someone will ask why I wear a scarf in summer I will answer that I have the flu... in summer... realistic. Not. When I finished myself I went downstairs into the kitchen. Mum was already up. I grabbed my breakfast when she stopped me.
"A scarf? Don't you wanna show Mr. Downey what he has done to you?" She winked and I rolled my eyes.
"Mum... I don't want all the others to see what Downey has done to me."
"Sure. I totally forgot. And better don't have sex on a desk that's very uncomfortable."
"Of course. You know it the best. Have experience in that then?" She giggled.
"Maybe. Anyway you're later for school. See you."
"Bye." I left the house and went to school.
As I arrived at school I saw Maggy running to me.
"Heeey! Yesterday was amazing, wasn't it? I met some guy. Where you later anyway?" Uh... good question.
"Yea... I felt a little bit sick so I went home..."
"Oh poor you. Are you better now?"
"Uh... yes."
"Why are you wearing a scarf? You never wear a scarf."
"Well... I have the flu."
"You normally don't wear a scarf even if you have the flu." She pulled my scarf down a little bit before I was able to react she saw the two hikeys. Maggy smirked.
"Liar. You weren't sick yesterday. You made out with someone! Who?"
"Shhhh...! I don't want to know the whole school about it."
"Sure. Who was it?" Right then the bell rang. Thanks god.
"I need to go to my lesson bye." I gave her a hug and walked fast away to my science lesson.
The time flew by and the next lesson was drama. Fuck. I started to get nervous. How will Downey react? Is he maybe mad at me? Oh god... I heard the familiar dong of the school bell and slowly got up and walked the way to Downey's room. I entered and sat down in the back of the room next to Maggy. I felt Downey's eyes on me the whole lesson. He teached normal as yesterday and I didn't interrupt his lesson as yesterday. Maggy elbowed me.
"Ouch." I hissed, she chuckled quitly.
"Sorry... uh why aren't you annoying Downey again? I thought you hate him." Yes I hate him but he was hot. And I made out with him yesterday and I need to talk to him and I don't want him to be angry.
"I am not in the mood to annoy him today." Maggy raised her eyebrow but right then I heard Downey's voice.
"Miss McAllester. No talking during the lesson. Detention!" I rolled my eyes and nodded.
"Sorry." I heard Maggy whisper.
As the lesson reached it's end everyone ran out of the classroom except me. I had detention. As everyone was out of the room Downey came to my desk. I looked in his beautiful brown eyes.
"Who knows?" He asked in a deep voice. I shook my head.
"Who knows what?" I asked confused, still too distraced with examining his body.
"About yesterday. Who knows about yesterday?" Oh I am stupid. I facepalmed myself inside my head.
"My mum. Nobody else. She found out because you forgot your belt. Don't worry she isn't angry." He nodded.
"Good. Are you angry at me?" He asked more serious now.
"No." Because I want you to take me right now and right here because you are damn hot and you are a very good kisser.
"Will you tell anyone about yesterday?"
"No of course not. I want you still to make out with me but if I would tell anyone you would get fired." Shit! The last sentence wasn't supposed to be said loud. He smirked. Oh oh.
"Stand up." I did as he said. I was nervous what will happen now.
"Uh... why did you want me to stand up?"  No answer. He stepped closer and closer to me til my back hit the wall but he kept on stepping closer. Our bodies touched. He looked in my eyes, his breath was getting lower and he put his hands on my waist. Before I was able to say anything he kissed me. Damn it. I didn't hesitate long before I kissed back. Our lips moved in a perfect rythm to each other. I put my hands in his perfect dark brown hair. Downey licked over my lip and I opend my mouth a little bit to let his tongue in. This kiss was getting hotter and hotter every second. My hands moved their way down to his collar. I opened his tie and started unbuttoning his shirt. Downey pressed me more against the wall and seperated my legs with his own, I slung my legs around his waist, his hands moved under my shirt and I could feel his soft and warm skin on my skin. His shirt was halfway opened when we heard a bag falling on the ground. We jumped apart of each other and turned around. Maggy. She stood there with eyes widely opened and dropped her jaw.
"Fuck" I whispered. Downey looked nervous. I mean really nervous.
"Maggy uh..." She began to squeak.
"Oh my god! That is so perfect! I knew it since you didn't annoyed Downey today! Oh my god! You two look perfect together! Are you in a realationship? A secret one? This is so exciting!" I could Downey see sighing in relief.
"Maggy calm down! And be a little bit more quite! And no we are not in relationship just uh... I dunno..." I looked over to Downey and he looked at me.
"What are we?" I asked him.

Jeyyy... new chapter.


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