Mr. Sexy

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As I almost left the school I realised something. Fuck. No. No. No! Phone. I forgot my fucking phone! I turned around and walked down the corridor back to Downey's room. I knocked. No answer. I knocked again then I heard someone swearing and finally someone aka. Downey opened the door. He looked very... sleepy... his hair was a mess. Did he fall asleep? I chuckled quitly then looked in his eyes. Damn he looked hot.
"Miss McAllester why are you still here?" He said with a deep and sexy voice which let me shiver. Damn it.
"Ph-phone..." I stuttered and blushed. He seemed confused.
"Back at stuttering?" Downey smirked. Oh my god. His smirk. If he wouldn't be my teacher I would let him take me on his de-... no! God. Amber.
"Uhm... no... uh... can I please have my phone back?" I asked shyly while biting my lip.
"Oh... sorry of course." He laughed nervously and run over to his desk to take my phone. I looked after him then to the table. It had the perfect size to... I licked my lip. Then I realized that he was standing in front of me.
"Miss McAllester? Hello?"
"Oh damn it... Sorry Mister. I was distracted." He handed me my phone and I took it.
"Thanks." I mumbled.
"Are you okay Miss McAllester?" He seemed a little bit worried.
"No. I am kinda sexually frustra-..." I shut up and blushed heavily. I didn't say that loud, did I? I looked at the expression on his face. He smirked and bit his lip. Perv. I said it loud...
"I-I mean I am okay... uh... I have to go." He nodded, still smirking.
"Goodbye Miss McAllester. Have a nice day."
"You too. Bye." As fast as I could I turned around and left the building. Damn it! What is he thinking about me now? On my way home I texted Maggy. I need some alcohol. A lot. At least enaugh to forget this embarassing conversation... and my thought about Mr. Sexy.
Ams: Hey Mag. Wanna go out tonight? Clubbing, drinking and so on? Maybe making out with some guys?
Ams xx

Maggy: Sure why not? I'll bring a friend, k? Meet at 7pm at the corner at the club?
Maggy xx

Ams: No problem. Okay. C U.
Ams xx

I put my phone way and arrived home. I went straight up in my room. Let's get ready for tonight. I opened my waderobe. What shall I wear?

Sorry this chapter is kinda boring.


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